This is just the client; There's a wrapper project including the API docs, an easy-to-setup docker-compose config, as well as submodules of both server and client at
The client is written in ionic, which is designed to be an OS independent app development framework (currently supports Android, iOS and Windows Universal App). However: For now only exporting the Android version has been tested.
The client is licensed under the GPLv3.
(Note: The following instruction don't enforce specifc versions of nodjs, npm, cordova and ionic. Future build could fail due to upgrades of those packages. See docker-compose config of the app
container in the wrapper project to get a working version for sure.)
At first - if you haven't done this yet - install npm.
Then in the repository folder run the following:
npm install -g ionic cordova
npm install
ionic cordova platform add android
# this will cause unwanted changes to config.xml ->
git checkout config.xml
First make sure an android device or emulator is connected and configured for USB debugging, then run:
ionic cordova run android --prod
ionic serve
Then open http://localhost:8100.
Note: This will currently only work with Google Chrome!
There are zounds - s. the ionic docs ;-)
Unfortunately there currently aren't any tests for the client, but see the E2E tests in the wrapper project.