My personal website:
Here is the repository of my young website. It is based on Hakyll, a static website generator based on Haskell. This website is still a work in progress (a blog should come up soon), but you can already find an online version at
This website is in the public domain (CC0 license), so feel free to take any code that you like.
If you want to compile this website locally, the easiest option is maybe to install the amazing Nix package manager:
$ curl -L | sh
and clone this repository:
$ git clone
Then, you can just go in the website, enter into a nix shell (this should install all the required dependencies automatically), and compile:
$ cd website
$ nix-shell
$ cd src
$ compile_and_watch
Then, just browse to this url http://localhost:8000.
I try to take free of use pictures, or use photos of mine or friends. Here is the origin of (free to use) pictures I took online: