欢迎加入BOXZ官方QQ群[QQ Group]: 248742803
Download link[下载请戳]: https://github.com/leolite/BOXZ/archive/BOXZ.zip
Notice: BOXZ lib is very simple, just a single character for communication. such as 'w','a','s','d'.
BOXZ lib link: https://github.com/leolite/BOXZ/blob/BOXZ/BOXZ/code/BT2.0/Arduino_Lib/BOXZ.7z
BOXZ APP isnot support BOXZ Lib yet, we release a new powerfull open source communication protocol with JSON format. IOS APP link https://itunes.apple.com/cn/app/boxz/id783688269?mt=8
=== About BOXZ ===
BOXZ is is an open source robot platform for DIY interactive entertainments! It combines Arduino, Origami and Robotics together, is easy to assemble, and also super fun to play with. The skin is customizable so that you can create your own charactered robot. We optimize the structure and performance of BOXZ, and now release BOXZ Mini.
Welcome to visit our website: www.boxz.cc
Have fun!
Design by WWW.DIYFUN.ORG Author: Leo Zhu
License: Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)