A simple helper to query MongoDB using a paging-like fashion.
const helper = require('mongoose-paginate-helper');
The helper
identifier now contains the only exported function with function firm:
async function (model, query, options);
* Pagination helper.
* @param {Object} model Mongoose model's object, used interface of it.
* @param {Object} query object query to perform.
* @param {Object} options additional data
* @param {Number} options.limit amount of results to retrieve.
* @param {Boolean} options.lean when to perform lean queries.
* @param {Object} options.fieldOrdering key-value pairs indicating results sorting.
* @param {Object} options.select fields to project.
* @param {Number} options.ordering use when _id base sorting, -1=desc 1=asc
* @param {String} options.cursor id value from which start result retrieving.
* @returns {Object} { list: [{}], cursor: 'string' }