To get started with Android, you'll need to get familiar with Git and Repo.
Set up your environment (use any of the hundreds of guides out there on XDA)
Initialize repo of the required ROM, for example LineageOS 16.0
mkdir lineage && cd lineage
repo init -u https:/ -b lineage-16.0
- Now create a local_manifests dir and download the reqired manifest to that folder
mkdir .repo/local_manifests
wget -O .repo/local_manifests/lettuce.xml
- Then to sync up:
repo sync -f --force-sync
OR a more space-saving, faster way to sync:
repo sync -c -f --force-sync --no-tags --no-clone-bundle --optimized-fetch --prune
- Finally, build it !
. build/
lunch lineage_lettuce-userdebug && mka bacon