In a nutshell, Turbo Rascal Syntax error, “;” expected but “BEGIN” is a complete suite for developing games and demos for older computer systems. TRSE is created with Qt (C++), and runs as a stand-alone application that contains various tools for developing and deploying projects for these processors.
Read more at Turbo Racal SE Hompage.
Turbo Rascal Syntax Error full repo
- C++
- Qt
First, clone this repo to a TRSE directory.
- apt-get install qt5-default qt5-qmake qtdeclarative5-dev mesa-common-dev
On windows/macos, you need to download and install the qt libraries, msvc, xcode etc:
- install MSVC 2019
- download the Qt framework from Install the latest framework of Qt6 (desktop application).
- install Xcode
- download the Qt framework from Install the latest framework of Qt6 (desktop application).
- sudo apt install qtbase5-dev qt5-qmake qtbase5-dev-tools qtdeclarative5-dev
- qmake
- make -j8
Select "Release", and under the qt project/build make sure you set the build directory to be TRSE/Release
TRSE uses a couple of directories that needs to be linked with symlinks:
- Copy the directory "themes" in TRSE/Publish/source/ to the TRSE/Release build directory
- Make a symbolic link called "tutorials from your build directory to point to Publish/tutorials to access tutorial projects from the front page
- Make a symbolic link called "units from your build directory to point to TRSE/Units to access the TRSE library
- Make a symbolic link "project_templates" from your build directory to point to Publish/project_templates in order to access the "New Project" templates
A compiler UML diagram can be found here: