RelJoin implements a cost-based distributed join method optimization rule on top of Spark SQL. It selects optimal join methods for logical joins when planning the physical plan for an optimized logical plan. It replaces the original "JoinSelection" rule. The RelJoin feature is enabled by setting the configuration option "spark.sql.adaptive.cost.join.enabled" true.
This project is a fork of the Spark project.
The project can run locally or in distributed data processing platforms such as YARN. If you want to run it on YARN with Hadoop distributed file system(HDFS), you need to have YARN properly deployed in a cluster. Please refer to the Hadoop website to install and setup a YARN and HDFS cluster. The default Hadoop version matching this project is v3.3.2.
When HDFS and YARN are ready, the YARN home path is exported as $HADOOP_HOME. Start the HDFS and YARN cluster.
Compile the Spark project with Hadoop and YARN support. $SPARK_HOME is the path of the project directory.
cd $SPARK_HOME && build/sbt -Pyarn -Dhadoop.version=3.3.2 package
Deploy Spark in the cluster can be as simple as copying the built project into the same path in every node in the YARN cluster.
For other details about deploying and configurating Spark on YARN, refer to the Spark deploying page.
The TPC-DS dataset generater project is integrated as a submodule in this project. Download the TPC-DS dataset generater by updating the submodule.
git submodule update
Make the TPC-DS generater project, providing the type of the operating system. For example, if it is built in Linux or Mac OSX, run the following command. Note that neccessary compiling tools are needed for comiplation depending on the operating system. Please refer to:
cd tpcds-kit/tools
# Linux (e.g. ubuntu)
sudo apt-get install gcc make flex bison byacc git
# Mac OSX
xcode-select --install
Create the directory for the datasets, and generate a unit-scaled TPC-DS dataset.
mkdir ~/benchmark/tpcds/
tpcds-kit/tools/dsdgen -dir ~/benchmark/tpcds/ -DISTRIBUTIONS $SPARK_HOME/tpcds-kit/tools/tpcds.idx -scale 1 -verbose y -terminate n
Transform the dataset format to parquet for Spark SQL queries.
build/sbt "sql/test:runMain org.apache.spark.sql.GenTPCDSDataFromFile --dsdgenDir [absolute_path_to ~/benchmark/tpcds] --location [absolute_path_to ~/benchmark/tpcdsTable] --scaleFactor n"
For example:
build/sbt "sql/test:runMain org.apache.spark.sql.GenTPCDSDataFromFile --dsdgenDir /home/xxx/benchmark/tpcds --location /home/xxx/benchmark/tpcdsTable --scaleFactor 1"
If you run the project in the YARN cluster, upload the dataset to HDFS.
$HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop fs -mkdir /benchmark
$HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop fs -put -d ~/benchmark/tpcdsTable/ /benchmark/
To execute TPC-DS queries with different join method selection strategies, run command in the following format.
$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit run-example [SPARK_OPTIONS] org.apache.spark.examples.sql.TPCDSRun [DATASET_DIR] [COMMAND] [JOIN_STRATEGY] [RUN_TIMES]
The COMMAND can be "execute" or "explain", where "explain" will output the logical and physical query plans to the console. The JOIN_STRATEGY can be "ShuffleSortJoin", "ShuffleHashJoin", "AQEJoin", "RelJoin", "RelJoinW10", "RelJoinW100". For example, to run RelJoin 3 times in the YARN cluster in the client mode, run:
$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit run-example --master yarn --executor-memory 4G --num-executors 10 org.apache.spark.examples.sql.TPCDSRun hdfs:///benchmark/tpcdsTable execute RelJoin 3
If you want to view the optimized logical query plan and the physical plan, run with the "explain" option.
$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit run-example --master yarn --executor-memory 4G --num-executors 10 org.apache.spark.examples.sql.TPCDSRun hdfs:///benchmark/tpcdsTable explain RelJoin 1
You can also run the benchmark locally by specifying the local path of the dataset.
$SPARK_HOME/bin/spark-submit run-example org.apache.spark.examples.sql.TPCDSRun ~/home/benchmark/tpcdsTable execute RelJoin 3
The raw data result in the RelJoin paper can be found in ./eval.