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To use with

See for general Annif instructions and advice.

Install and run

python3 -m venv venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
annif run -p 8083 # then check http://localhost:8083
# Instead of `annif run` (for development only), you could use gunicorn, e.g.:
# gunicorn --workers 4 --threads 4 --worker-class gthread --bind "annif:create_app()"
# (...and put behind e.g. nginx in a production environment)

(For pip install to work you might need to install some dependencies, e.g. protobuf-compiler in Ubuntu.)

Visit http://localhost:8083 to try the Annif UI. You'll also find Swagger there.

You can also test Annif from the command line, e.g.:

echo 'Cardiac troponin I in healthy Norwegian Forest Cat, Birman and domestic shorthair cats, and in cats with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy' | annif suggest swepub-en
2022-10-11T13:10:35.736Z INFO [omikuji::model] Loading model from data/projects/swepub-en/omikuji-model...
<> Agricultural and Veterinary sciences  0.8900570869445801
<> Clinical Science  0.6352069973945618
<> Veterinary Science  0.4740253984928131
<> Biological Sciences (Medical to be 3 and Agricultural to be 4) 0.17030012607574463

(This will be slow as the model has to be loaded each time you use suggest; normally you should use the REST API.)

Update model

NOTE: this repo already contains a pre-trained model. The following is only if you want to update it (i.e., recreate it from scatch).

First, generate corpora. In swepub-redux repo with the swepub-redux venv:

source ./venv/bin/activate
# For quick testing, replace 0 with something low (e.g. 10000).
# 0 = get an unlimited amount of records.
bash misc/ en 0 3 5 ~/annif-input
bash misc/ sv 0 3 5 ~/annif-input
cd ~/annif-input
tail -n 700000 training_en.tsv | gzip > training_en.tsv.gz
tail -n 700000 training_sv.tsv | gzip > training_sv.tsv.gz

In this repo and its own venv, train Annif:

source ./venv/bin/activate
annif load-vocab ssif ssif_terms.ttl
annif train -j 0 swepub-en ~/annif-input/training_en.tsv.gz # multiple (and non-gz) files also OK
annif train -j 0 swepub-sv ~/annif-input/training_sv.tsv.gz

Training swepub-en can take more than an hour if your SQLite database contains the entirety of Swepub.

Note that the omikuji-train.txt files are not necessary for running the API (especially the English one gets quite large) and should NOT be committed to the repo.

Additionally, for practical reasons, we do like to keep the latest models in this Git repo without having to use Git LFS or similar, so as to not exceed GitHub limits we use BFG Repo Cleaner to remove large files from history after updating the models (i.e. we forcibly rewrite the Git history):

java -jar ~/somewhere/bfg-1.14.0.jar --delete-files '{*.cbor,vectorizer}'
git reflog expire --expire=now --all && git gc --prune=now --aggressive

(Re)generate ssif_terms.ttl

ssif_terms.csv was created from the Excel version of "Standard för svensk indelning av forskningsämnen 2025" found here.

ssif_terms.ttl is generated with:

python3 ssif_terms.csv > ssif_terms.ttl


Configuration and trained models for Annif






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