Simple custom webpack starter template.
Build for development:
npm run dev
Watch for changes and serve for development:
npm run watch
Build for production:
npm run build
- html-webpack-plugin for creating HTML files to serve your bundles.
- mini-css-extract-plugin for extracting CSS into separate files. Works with webpack 4.
- webpack-cleanup-plugin for cleaning up the extraneous files from the webpack's output path.
- optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin for optimizing / minimizing CSS assets.
- terser-webpack-plugin for minifying JavaScript.
- webpack-notifier for displaying build status system notifications to the user.
- browser-sync-webpack-plugin for browser testing (will run only in watch mode).
- html-loader
- babel-loader (with preset-env)
- css-loader
- postcss-loader (with autoprefixer)
- sass-loader