This project consider the coupling of the wave equation and a two-phase incompressible immiscible flow equation, mainly for CO2 injection or water injection monitoring
u_tt = m(x) u_xx + f(x,t)
m_t = grad(a(x)grad(m)) + b(x)*grad(m)
The time scale T_2 for the second equation is much larger than that of the first one T_1
T_2 >> T_1
a(x), b(x) are unknown functions and will be calibrated using observation data d_i(x), which depends on u_i for each observation time i
- Compile AdvectionDiffusion
cd Ops/AdvectionDiffusion/
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j
- Test AdvectionDiffusion and Generate Data (required)
julia> include("cdtest.jl")
julia> include("gradtest.jl")
- Compile CUFA
cd Ops/FWI/CUFD/Src
make -j
- Compile Wrapper
cd Ops/FWI/ops/build
cmake ..
make -j
- Generate data
julia> include("generate_m.jl")
- Test Wrapper
cd src
julia> include("fwi_gradient_check.jl")
julia> include("coupled_gradient_check")
- Run experiments
julia> include("learn_m.jl")