Cheat40 is a foldable extensible 40-column cheat sheet that you may open in Vim
by pressing <leader>?
(the mapping is customizable, of course). Mappings and
commands are organized like the menus of a GUI app: there is a File section, an
Edit section, a View section, and so on. For each item the description comes
first, because one typically wants to find how to execute a task, not what the
meaning of a key sequence is (there is Vim's help for that). Syntax coloring and
the use of conceal
keep the cheat sheet clutter-free and easy to read.
If your Vim supports packages (echo has('packages')
prints 1
), I strongly
recommend that you use them. Just clone this repo inside pack/*/start
, e.g.,
cd ~/.vim
git clone pack/bundle/start/cheat40
Otherwise, use your preferred installation method.
You may extend the cheat sheet by putting one or more files called cheat40.txt
anywhere in your runtimepath
(e.g., in ~/.vim
). Cheat40 searches
for such files and concatenates their content. This allows plugin
developers to provide a cheat sheet for their plugins by putting a cheat40.txt
file in the top folder of their plugins.
If you do not want to use the default cheat sheet that comes with this plugin,
set the following variable in your .vimrc
let g:cheat40_use_default = 0
In this case, I recommend that you copy cheat40.txt
into your .vim
and modify it to suit your needs.
You can also add filetype-specific cheats, by adding cheat40_<filetype>.txt
files in your runtimepath
. If such files are present, they'll be used instead
of the builtin documentation and for that filetype, normal cheat40.txt
will also be ignored.
The syntax of a cheat sheet is very simple:
- foldable sections use Vim's default markers (
) (see:h fold-marker
); - sections of the form
About … {{{ … }}}
are interpreted as block comments; - lines starting with a
are interpreted as line comments; - each line, except for comments and section markers, should be 40 columns wide (comments and section markers may be shorter than that);
- each item consists of a description, a key sequence, and a label;
- the description must fit in columns 1–25 (long descriptions may be split into several lines);
- the key sequence and the label must fit in columns 26–40 (long key sequences should be split into several lines);
- the label is a right-justified sequence of one or more characters (e.g.,
for Normal mode,I
for Insert mode, and so on).
See the cheat sheet inside the plugin for the details.