Releases: lihaoyun6/QuickRecorder
Releases · lihaoyun6/QuickRecorder
QuickRecorder 更新日志:
- 重新设计了偏好设置窗口的样式.
- 修复了颜色选择器工作不正常的问题.
- 修复了多屏场景下菜单栏图标在非活动屏幕上异常高亮的问题.
QuickRecorder Changes:
- Redesigned the preferences view.
- Fixed: Color picker not working properly.
- Fixed: Menu bar icons not auto greyed out on inactive screens.
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QuickRecorder 更新日志:
- 修复了迷你控制器模式下, 相机选择弹窗异常消失的 bug
QuickRecorder Changes:
- Fixed: Camera menu automatically closes in mini controller mode.
用的开心就打赏点 / Buy me a cup of coffee
QuickRecorder 更新日志:
- 支持通过 AppleScript 调用各种录制功能.
- 修复了一些已知的问题
QuickRecorder Changes:
- Added AppleScript support for QuickRecorder.
- Fixed some known issues.
用的开心就打赏点 / Buy me a cup of coffee
QuickRecorder 更新日志:
- 支持在其他 App 处于全屏模式时框选录制区域
- 添加了新的"迷你控制器"模式, 可以减少菜单栏空间占用
QuickRecorder Changes:
- Support selecting the recording area on the top of full-screen apps.
- Added new "Mini Controller" mode to save menu bar space.
用的开心就打赏点 / Buy me a cup of coffee
QuickRecorder 更新日志:
- 当检测到用户所选的输出目录不存在时, 自动创建指定文件夹
QuickRecorder Changes:
- Automatically create the output directory if it does not exist
用的开心就打赏点 / Buy me a cup of coffee
QuickRecorder 更新日志:
- 修复了仅录制系统音频时, 即使没有启用麦克风也会录制麦克风音频的问题
QuickRecorder Changes:
- Fixed: When recording system audio, microphone is recorded even if it is not enabled
用的开心就打赏点 / Buy me a cup of coffee
QuickRecorder 更新日志:
- 修复了录制移动设备结束后, 点击 Dock 图标无法唤起主面板的bug
QuickRecorder Changes:
- Fixed: Dock icon not working after recording a mobile device
用的开心就打赏点 / Buy me a cup of coffee
QuickRecorder 更新日志:
- 修复了部分 UI 控件在非 HiDPi 显示器上抽搐的问题
- 允许在仅录制音频的情况下暂停录制
QuickRecorder Changes:
- Fixed: Some UI elements may shake at certain resolutions
- Allows pausing recording while recording system audio
用的开心就打赏点 / Buy me a cup of coffee
QuickRecorder 更新日志:
QuickRecorder Changes:
- The built-in camera overlay can displayed on top of full-screen applications.
用的开心就打赏点 / Buy me a cup of coffee
QuickRecorder 更新日志:
- 允许用户在"仅录音"的情况下同时录制系统声音和麦克风
- 添加了新的".qma"文件容器格式用于保存多轨录音
- 添加了麦克风选择功能, 可以从指定麦克风录制声音
QuickRecorder Changes:
- Allow users to record both system sound and microphone.
- Added new ".qma" file format for saving multi-track recordings.
- Added new "microphone selection" feature.
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