Releases: lihaoyun6/QuickRecorder
Releases · lihaoyun6/QuickRecorder
QuickRecorder 更新日志:
- 修复了关闭"录制应用声音"后无法单独录制系统音频的问题
- 更新了不同画质的码率估算方法
QuickRecorder Changes:
- Fixed: Cannot record system audio alone after turning off "App's Audio"
- Updated the bitrate estimation method for different output qualities
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QuickRecorder 更新日志:
- 修复了音频录制异常和视频画面偏色的问题
- 修复了某些情况下暂停录制可能导致文件保存失败的问题
- 修复了低分辨率录制的时候码率偏低导致画面模糊的问题
- 对于近期由于证书过期和适配 macOS 15 过程中产生的 bug 跟大家说声抱歉
QuickRecorder Changes:
- Fixed: Distorted audio and color cast of video output
- Fixed: Pausing recording sometimes corrupts output file
- Fixed: Blurry video when recording at low resolution
- Sorry about created tons of bugs when adapt my app for macOS 15
用的开心就打赏点 / Buy me a cup of coffee
QuickRecorder 更新日志:
- 修复了 "屏幕区域录制" 功能崩溃闪退的问题
- 添加了录制倒计时指示器, 可以随时中断取消
QuickRecorder Changes:
- Fixed: Crash when recording screen area
- Added countdown dialog, which can be interrupted at any time
用的开心就打赏点 / Buy me a cup of coffee
QuickRecorder 更新日志:
- 支持在 macOS 15 系统中录制 HDR 内容
QuickRecorder Changes:
- Now you can record HDR content in macOS 15
用的开心就打赏点 / Buy me a cup of coffee
QuickRecorder 更新日志:
QuickRecorder Changes:
- Fixed compatibility with macOS 15
- Updated developer signature
用的开心就打赏点 / Buy me a cup of coffee
QuickRecorder 更新日志:
- 修复了"App 黑名单"无法自动保存的问题
- 修复了"屏幕放大器"放大效果模糊的问题
- 允许用户精确指定录制区域的大小
QuickRecorder Changes:
- Fixed: "App Blacklist" cannot be saved
- Fixed: "Screen Magnifier" is not sharp
- Allow users to specify the size of the recording area
用的开心就打赏点 / Buy me a cup of coffee
QuickRecorder 更新日志:
- 修复了 macOS 12/13 系统无法录制桌面壁纸的问题
- 修复了麦克风降噪功能在 macOS 12/13 导致崩溃的问题
QuickRecorder Changes:
- Fixed: Unable to record desktop wallpaper in macOS 12/13
- Fixed: Enabling AEC causes crashes in macOS 12/13
用的开心就打赏点 / Buy me a cup of coffee
QuickRecorder 更新日志:
- 修复了使用屏幕放大镜后下次还是自动启用的问题
- 在改变窗口选择器过滤选项的时候自动刷新窗口列表
- 改变了偏好设置面板的弹出方式
QuickRecorder Changes:
- Fixed: Screen magnifier pops up even if it is not enabled
- Auto refresh the window list when changing the filter options
- Show preferences in a separate window
用的开心就打赏点 / Buy me a cup of coffee
QuickRecorder 更新日志:
- 修复了某些情况下无法正常列出所有窗口缩略图的问题
- 添加了警告防止用户运行多个 QuickRecorder 实例
QuickRecorder Changes:
- Fixed: Unable to create window thumbnail list
- Prevent users from running multiple instances of QuickRecorder
用的开心就打赏点 / Buy me a cup of coffee
QuickRecorder 更新日志:
- 使用"屏幕区域"录制功能时会自动恢复上次的选择区域
QuickRecorder Changes:
- Auto restore the last selected area when use "Screen Area" mode
用的开心就打赏点 / Buy me a cup of coffee