DGSE, written by Linux Deepin team, can also be used in other distros' GNOME Shell environment.
- noa11y extension
- User themes extension
- Monitor Status extension
- hidedash extension
- Dock extension
- sytem-monitor extension
- windowNavigator extension
- nocliktab extension
- hideusername extension
- Show Desktop Button extension
- Removable Drive Menu extension
- Windows Alt Tab extension
- WindowsOverlay Icons extension
- Shutdown Menu extension
- Workspace Navigator extension
- gnome-shell-classic-systray extension
Don't display a11y icon in systray (this is borrowed from gnome official team) (screenshot should go here)
Enable uesr theme (this is borrowed from gnome official team)
Display an icon in systray to enable quick adjust the monitor status (screenshot should go here)
Don't show dash (the original favourite bar in overview panel)
Deepin dock, it's placed at the top panel of Deepin Gnome Shell (screenshot should go here)
Shows system monitor (on mem/cpu/net/disk/temp/etc.) in the systray (this is borrowed from paradoxxxzero) ####windowNavigator extension (description)
No need to click on the tab in overview panel, mouse over alone is enough for navigation
Hide login user name, just show the user login status
Put a show-desktop button on the top panel (will be removed soon)
Put an icon in systray which allows you to quick umount mounted drives (screenshot should go here)
Enhanced alternative alt-tab, allows you to switch apps/workspace efficiently (more detailed description should go here) (screenshot should go here)
Displays an application icon on each window preview in overview panel (screenshot should go here)
Alternative shutdown menu (this is borrowed from mgse)
(description should go here)
(description should go here)
It's quite easy to install dgse, just type ./install.sh in the source directory. All extensions will be installed in the user's home directory ($HOME/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/). Note that, we have to copy two gschema xml file into /usr, so sudo privilege is required during installation. If an extension is already installed before you run install.sh, it will be updated automatically. At last, don't forget to reload GNOME Shell (press "Alt-F2", then "r", then "Return")to load the installed extensions.
It is recommended to install deepin-gs-theme as well:
git clone git://github.com/manateelazycat/deepin-gs-theme
cp -r deepin-gs-theme/ ~/.themes/Deepin
After the theme dir is copied, you can enabled it in gnome-tweak-tool.
Enjoy it!
If any bug occurs, please report to http://www.linuxdeepin.com/forum/