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Gary Wang edited this page May 13, 2022 · 5 revisions

A common template of the file for each project:

## Project Name

A short description of this project, so users could know what's this project is for, what does this project do. The description provided in the `debian/control` file could be a good start if you don't know what to provide.

### Dependencies

What packages need to be installed to use this project? You can also check the "Depends" provided in the `debian/control` file.

### Build dependencies

What packages need to be installed to be able to build this project from source?

## Installation

### Build from source code

Steps to build the project.

## Documentations

If any, link the documentation here. Please ensure the linked pages can be accessible from the public internet.

- Link 1
- Link 2
- ...

## Getting help

- [Official Forum]( for generic discussion and help.
- [Developer Center]( for BUG report and suggestions.
- [Wiki](

## Getting involved

We encourage you to report issues and contribute changes

- [Contribution guide for developers]( (English)
- [开发者代码贡献指南]( (中文)
- [Translate for your language on Transifex](#) *please update to the actual Transifex link of this project*

## License

License description here. The license name is suggested to use the same one as [SPDX license identifier]( Following is an example:

Deepin Example is licensed under [GPL-3.0-or-later](LICENSE)

This template is just for sample purposes. Individual projects could add extra sections to the template or remove existing sections if needed, and the texts need to be altered to match the actual state of the project.