Client module connecting to MQTT and trigerring Nabaztag actions based on MQTT messages.
- How to implement a Nabaztag service:
- Forum:
PAHO MQTT is required, run as root:
pip install paho-mqtt
Add nab2mqttd in the INSTALLED_APPS section of nabweb/
For now if you plan to use TLS the public key must be copied to the server in:
sudo cp nab2mqttd.service /lib/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl enable nab2mqttd
sudo service nab2mqttd start
Send to MQTT server on the specified topic the JSON commands as described in Pynab PROTOCOL documentation
{"type":"ears","left":10,"right":30} (should not be used here, as it repositions the ears instead of just moving them, normally for the rabbit pairing)
{"type":"message", "body":[{"audio":["nabsurprised/2.mp3"]}]}
{"type":"message", "body":[{"audio":["nabsurprised/2.mp3"]}], "expiration":"TAGEXPIRATION"}
{"type":"command", "sequence":[{"audio":["nabsurprised/2.mp3"]}] }
{"type":"command", "sequence":[{"choreography":"data:application/x-nabaztag-mtl-choreography;base64,ABQAAAARAAo="}] }
{"type":"info", "info_id":"nab2mqtt", "animation": {"tempo":15,"colors":[{"left":"ff0000","center":"00ff00","right":"0000ff"},{"left":"00ff00","center":"0000ff","right":"ff0000"},{"left":"0000ff","center":"ff0000","right":"00ff00"}]}}
- Use TAGEXPIRATION to set automatically an expiration on 1 minute for the command. Will automatically be computed based on internal Nabaztag time.
- To ensure sleep and wakeup commands are effective, you need to stop the nabclockd and nabmastodond service, otherwise commands will be overridden.
- type:info sends a new animation that the service will play regularly. send another or an empty one to change it or cancel it.
{"type":"command", "sequence":[{"audio":["nabsurprised/2.mp3"]}] } {"type":"command", "sequence":[{"choreography":"data:application/x-nabaztag-mtl-choreography;base64,xxx"}] }
Build the bas base64 sequence using different libraries:
- Javascript: use and customize command.ts from this project:
- C#: