SmartReader System requires a time-efficient, high quality distractor generator to test readers’ understanding about English passages. This project proposed a novel way to generate entity-based distractors based on fine-grained question classification and BERT embeddings. The automatic entity-based distractor generation system can be initialized in 10 seconds and the averaging time consumed to generate three distractors for a question-answer pair is 2.3s. The system also beats baseline model on overall, grammar and semantics score in human evaluation.
- python>=3.5
- numpy>=1.18.1
- spacy>=2.2.3
- download spacy pretrained model: python -m spacy download en_core_web_lg
- pywikibot>=3.0.20200111
- nltk>=3.4.5
- tensorflow==1.15 (as a prerequisite for bert-as-service)
- bert-as-service. Please follow the "Install" and "Getting Started" part
- To get your own authcode for questionClassificationAPI, please contact
Please ensure your bert-serving-client is ready and listening!
python --useQuestionClassificationAPI <true/false> --authcode <your-auth, not necessary if not using the API>
The design of distractors can greatly affect the difficulty of multiple choice questions, therefore in real examinations, it plays a significant role in testing a language learner's comprehension of a passage. A novel method for generating sentence-level distractors with multi-encoder transformers was proposed. In contrast to previous work, the model is characterized by implicitly capturing the relationship between questions, documents and answers, rather than using hierarchical encoding and attention mechanism. Furthermore, considering that the distractors and answers can neither be too similar nor too different from each other, a beam search algorithm using BLEU score between the distractors and answers was designed.
- torch, torchvision, torchtext
- spacy