LiteSpeed Memcached is LiteSpeed's persistent memcache compatible cache server supporting high availability replication. It's performance and interface are similar to the popular Memcached. Unlike Memcached, cache data is persistent on single or multiple box setups -- preserving all cache data through updates and in the event of server failure.
- git clone or download project via "wget"
- cd lsmcd directory and run configure and make.
./configure CFLAGS=" -O3" CXXFLAGS=" -O3"
- install prerequisites, for centos, do
yum install autoconf automake zlib-devel openssl-devel expat-devel cyrus-sasl-devel
for Debian/Ubuntu, do
sudo apt-get install build-essential zlib1g-dev libexpat1-dev openssl libsasl2-dev
- cd dist, run "" so that lsmcd service is added.
- update the default configure "/usr/local/lsmcd/conf/node.conf".
There is example.conf under dist/conf, just replace with your testing IP. - now start or stop it.
service lsmcd start/stop
Lsmcd configuration settings are different from memcached. For detail description, please read.