This repository stores all of personally improved code of Matplotlib Practices in Python Data Visualization written by Liu Dacheng(ISBN: 978-7-121-34888-4), which can be a reference for Chinese Python data visualization learners.
Personal improvement is mainly in the following three aspects:
First, it improves the stability of results of the code, especially the stability of displaying results when stretching. For example, scaling remains unchanged when stretching;
第二,作者在Windows OS下的matplotlib的配置文件matplotlibrc和Linux OS使用anaconda3环境的学习者并不相同,对于一部分默认的选项不同,进行了指出和修改方法。
Second, author's configuration file of Matplotlib, matplotlibrc, under Windows OS, is different from learners's within anaconda3 in Linux OS like Ubuntu 20.04. The differences of some default options are pointed out, and how to modify them are given.
Third, some Chinese notes are added to point out the problems or deficiencies of the code in the book and explain how to improve them.
注:全部代码均是个人在Ubuntu 20.04环境下写的,使用的python环境是anaconda3,它集成了matplotlib和numpy,scipy等库,读者也可以在初学时选择该环境。
Note: all codes are written in Ubuntu 20.04. The python environment used is anaconda3, which integrates matplotlib, numpy, SciPy and other libraries. Readers can also choose it at the beginning of learning.
What's more, all of font files and my matplotlibrc are in appendix directory and all of results of these Python files are in the result set for further reference.
最后,祝您学习顺利,有更多问题可以及时通过我的邮箱lkz@[email protected]与我取得联系。
Finally, I hope you will learn easily. If you have any question, you can connect me via my email lkz@[email protected].