【明芒科技】AI Wechat mini program
Development tool: Wechatdevtool
type: "自我介绍", // The type from the question list
keyWords: ["您好","你好","是谁","名字","自我介绍"], // Define some keywords which match the STT result
question: "你是谁?你的名字是什么?", // the question showing in the dropdown list
answer: "您好,我是接诉即办推广大使时间小妮",
URL: "shaosuki_yinhe/opening.mp4", // the relative path for the answering video
featured: false // if this question show or hide in the dropdown list
Choose the AI in the AI studios and keeping in mind the location X Y
Exporting the videos from AI studios and keeping the same location X Y
Using FFMPEG to compress and crop the video which fit the video view in src/pages/index/aiVideo.tsx
ffmpeg -i chunni_demo.mp4 -movflags faststart -vf “crop=ih*(14/16):ih” -crf 21 -c:a copy chunni_demo_cropped.mp4
Storing the video online for instance current videos are stored in Tencent cloud COS(对象存储)
Replacing the URL for the videos in the first line of src/config/dict.ts
export const videoBaseUrl =