Here's the official implementation of [ACM MM 2023] "Style Controllable Generalized Person Re-identification".
Domain generalizable person Re-identification is a challenging and realistic task. It requires a model to train on multi-source domains and then generalizes well on unseen target domains. Existing approaches typically mix images from different domains in a mini-batch for training, but this can increase discrimination within a mini-batch due to the vast style differences among domains. As a result, the model may converge easily by mining domain-related information, while neglecting identity-discriminative information, especially for metric learning. To improve the difficulty of metric learning under multi-source training, we design a Style-aware Hard-negative Sampling (SHS) strategy. SHS effectively improves metric learning but reduces the style diversity within the batch. To enhance style diversity, we devise a Dynamic Style Mixing (DSM) which memorizes single-domain styles and synthesizes novel styles, which largely raises the diversity of source domains. Extensive experiments prove the effectiveness of our method. In both single-source and multi-source settings, our approach significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art (SOTA).
Here are some instructions to run our code. Our code is based on TransReID, thanks for their excellent work.
git clone
conda create -n screid python==3.10
conda activate screid
You can download it from huggingface, rwightman, or else where. For example, pretrained model is avaliable at ViT-B.
As for datasets, follow the instructions in MetaBIN.
# modify the model path and dataset paths of the config file
vim ./config/SHS_DSM_vit_b.yml
# modify the trained path in config
vim ./config/SHS_DSM_vit.yml
# evaluation
python --config ./config/SHS_DSM_vit.yml
title={Style-Controllable Generalized Person Re-identification},
author={Yuke Li and Jingkuan Song and Hao Ni and Heng Tao Shen},
journal={Proceedings of the 31st ACM International Conference on Multimedia},