Where does Wenzhounese stand lexically?
What makes a dialect dialect and different from Mandarin lexically?
What makes each dialect different from others lexically?
- File name is "cmn-yue-wuu-wen-parallel-simplified_final" and uploaded here.
- The data is parallel sentences of Mandarin (cmn), Shanghainese (wuu) and Cantonese (yue) with each 140 sentences and is downloaded from Tateoba.
- The 140 sentences of Wenzhounese (wen) are translated by myself from the Mandarin (cmn) sentences of Tateoba.
- Data is run over chinese-converter to convert chinese traditional characters into their simplified correspondents. (except some of traditional cantonese characters are not converted.)
- All punctuation are removed.
- punc = ["。", ",", "!", "?", "'", """, ",", ".", "、", "?", "「", "」"]
Five different methods are chosen and applied.
- 1000 random sampling with replacement is employed for the result of every method to acquire a general distribution.
- The distributions are all visualized by using kdeplot from seaborn.
- The results of four methods show consistency (check each method for details).