A rich-text editor for Vue & React base on Prosemirror
import React from 'react';
import EasyEditor from 'easy-editor-react';
const options = {
autoFocus: true,
viewInstance: (view) => {
console.log('react view', view);
beforeCommandsHook: (state, dispatch, view, commands) => {
commands.selectAll(state, dispatch, view);
return false;
afterCommandsHook: (state, dispatch, view, currentCommands) => {
console.log('afterCommandsHook', state, dispatch, view, currentCommands);
export default () => <EasyEditor {...options} />
autoFocus - Auto focus
injectEditableCSS - Inject editable mode CSS
basic wrapper class name called ProseMirror
.ProseMirror { outline: none }
injectPreviewCSS - Inject disabled mode CSS
- example
.ProseMirror { outline: 1px solid #329FD9; }
- example
viewInstance - Instance of prosemirror view
state - Prosemirror state
focused - Focus status
dom - Root DOM
dragging - Draging Element
lastClick - Last click information
- time - The time stamp
- x - Position x of mouse
- y - Position y of mouse
- type - Single click or double click
editable - Can editor or not
beforeCommandsHook - Action before exec current keybord event
(state, dispatch, view, commands) => { commands.selectAll(state, dispatch, view); return false; }
return - Return true will continue current keybord event
state - Current Editor state
dispatch - Dispatch function
view - Current Editor view model
commands - Support keybord event
- selectAll
- exitCode
- backspace
- del
- enter