Install dmenu for Arch-based distros:
pacman -S dmenu
for Debian-based distros:
apt-get install dmenu
to install my package simply type
pip install dmenutrello --user
create a file called .dmenutrello
in your home directory with this content:
- your Trello key & token
- your dmenu appearance settings
- the terminal in which vim will be opened
- the dmenu command (if you want to use rofi you have to place a script with the content
rofi -dmenu
somewhere and put the path to it to command config value)
like this:
font = DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline-14
background_selected = #2aa198
foreground_selected = #191919
foreground = #2aa198
background = #191919
command = dmenu
terminal = urxvt
terminal_argument = -e
to use this script call
example i3 key binding
bindsym $mod+t exec $HOME/.local/bin/dmenutrello
you can navigate through your boards, lists, cards and comments
by typing in a new name the corresponding element will be added
- basic navigation
- add a .. option to go up one level
- add objects(board, lists, cards, comments)
- open comments in vim and save them
- open links in webbrowser
- mark cards as checked