Navigate to preferred install directory and use:
git clone
- MiGA must be installed and available in PATH: ... On GATECH PACE server, if you have not previously done so, run: ~/shared-p/miga-conf/init.bash
- Enveomics package must be installed and available in PATH:
- Adjust the maximum RAM available lines 47-50 in 00_launcher.bash
- Adjust conda module in line 8 of 00_env.bash
To Create new conda environment using conda.yml file
conda env create --prefix /path_to/shared/conda_envs -f genome_diversity_pipeline/conda.yml
conda environment should only need to be installed once per server Update shared3 and conda_env_path variable lines 21 and 22 in 00_env.bash
/path/to/pkg/01_add.bash target_dir dataset_name /path/to/reads.[12].fastq.gz
This will automatically copy and launch the pipeline step by step.
fastq files should be gzipped.
Delete the directory of the halted step ???
/path/to/pkg/xx_runme.bash target_dir dataset_name
This will detect the last complete step and lanch the next one.