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This repository contains my entire bibliography in a .bib file (here) and several .sty files (here) that I use to customize my LaTeX manuscripts. The bibliography mostly spans publications in cognitive and computational neuroscience, psychology and statistics.

A table of all references in the bibliography.bib file can be reviewed at (sorted by last name of first author, year of publication and journal name).


datalad install --recursive [email protected]:lnnrtwttkhn/bibliography.git


Managing the .bib and .sty files

The software below is not a strict requirement but merely a list of tools I use to manage my bibliography. This is just to help the interested reader with the software choice and acknowledge the tools that make this bibliography management possible.

  • A text editor (I currently use Atom version 1.60.0 on macOS)
  • BibDesk (I currently use BibDesk version 1.8.13 on macOS)

Run Python code

$ python3 --version
Python 3.8.6

To run the Python code in the /code directory, please install the required packages in requirements.txt using pip install -r requirements.txt.

Create environment

mkvirtualenv -p $(which python3) -r requirements.txt bibliography


Add repo as a submodule

  • Add this repo as a submodule using git submodule add
  • Update the submodule using git submodule foreach git pull origin master
  • To only use the bibliography.tex file, add \bibliography{bibliography/code/bibliography.bib} to your LaTeX document

Note: To use the bibliography as a submodule in git via Overleaf requires the repo to be publicly available. A workaround is to provide the .bib-file as a direct download from a website that synchronized the repo contents (e.g., Dropbox or Seafile). Read the next section for further instructions.

Add /code folder contents as a direct download in Overleaf

If you can't or don't want to add the repo as a submodule to your manuscript repo, you can also sync the files with a cloud storage system (like Dropbox or Seafile) and provide it as a direct download in Overleaf. Here is how I do it:

  • I sync the /code directory with a cloud storage provider (I use Seafile)
  • In Seafile, I can create a direct download link for a specific file (e.g., the bibliography.bib file)
  • In Overleaf, I can select Upload and add files From External URL
  • Here, I paste the direct download link as the URL to fetch the file from and set the File Name in this Project to be the same link in the repo


If you have any suggestions for improvement, please contact Lennart Wittkuhn or create a new issue on the issue board.



This project is licensed under the MIT License. Please see the file for details.

References and acknowledgements

The following links have helped me to create my own bibliography repo (thank you, internet! 🙏):