A familiar, plug and play, extendable rich text editor for Vercel's Next React framework, based on ProseMirror, built using TipTap. This project grew out of our internal usage at Lobby and works best when using the Next framework.
Have a fully functioning editor for your project in no time. First, install using
npm install "@tiptap/[email protected]" "@tiptap/[email protected]" remixicon lobby-editor
or if you are using yarn
yarn add "@tiptap/[email protected]" "@tiptap/[email protected]" remixicon lobby-editor
Lobby editor requires peer dependencies
"@tiptap/core": "2.0.0-beta.174",
"@tiptap/react": "2.0.0-beta.114",
Use as desired in your project like below
import { useLobbyEditor, LobbyEditor } from "lobby-editor"
const App = () => {
const editor = useLobbyEditor();
return (
<div className="App">
<LobbyEditor editor={editor} editable={true} />
export default App
Congrats! You should now have the lobby editor running!
In your App.js import styling or if you are using Next.js import in your _app.js
Install RemixIcon
import "lobby-editor/dist/es/styles.css";
import "remixicon/fonts/remixicon.css";
Add the following to your TailwindCSS config:
content: [
Let's now have a look at adding some custom extensions.
Define your custom extension.
// 1. Import the extension
import BulletList from '@tiptap/extension-bullet-list'
// 2. Overwrite the keyboard shortcuts
const CustomBulletList = BulletList.extend({
addKeyboardShortcuts() {
return {
'Mod-l': () => this.editor.commands.toggleBulletList(),
Next pass it to createLobbyEditor
like this
let editor = useLobbyEditor({
customExtensions: [
Have a look at the getting started to see more example.
- setContent needs to be inside a useEffect because every time the editor is typed in/updated it rerenders the entire component and setContent will be called indefinitely
See More in Lobby.
Contributions and recommendations are always welcome! Open an issue or discussion in GitHub and outline your ideas. Our team will promptly provide feedback.
An eslint config ensures a consistent code style. To check for errors, run
yarn lint
npm run lint
Make sure it’s passing before sending a pull request.
Further Questions?
Message us in Discord or Create a discussion on GitHub
For help, discussion about best practices, or any other conversation that would benefit from being searchable: Discuss Lobby on GitHub
Meet the team and introduce yourself to other devs in the community: Discuss Lobby on Discord