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Merge pull request #217 from loganoz/omarinoDev
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Omarino dev
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oscarmarino authored Apr 14, 2024
2 parents b9eccb4 + f9f44ee commit dc4fa52
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Showing 2 changed files with 146 additions and 37 deletions.
181 changes: 145 additions & 36 deletions Solver/src/libs/sources/ActuatorLine.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -78,6 +78,7 @@ module ActuatorLine
logical :: save_average = .false.
logical :: save_instant = .false.
logical :: verbose = .false.
logical :: averageSubElement = .true.
character(len=LINE_LENGTH) :: file_name
integer :: number_iterations
integer :: save_iterations
Expand All @@ -94,10 +95,28 @@ module ActuatorLine
procedure :: FindActuatorPointElement
end type

Abstract Interface
Function element_averageQ_f(mesh,eID,xi)
use HexMeshClass
use PhysicsStorage
use NodalStorageClass
use SMConstants
implicit none

type(HexMesh), intent(in) :: mesh
integer, intent(in) :: eID
integer :: k, j, i
real(kind=RP), dimension(NDIM), intent(in) :: xi

real(kind=RP), dimension(NCONS) :: element_averageQ_f
End Function element_averageQ_f
End Interface

type(Farm_t) :: farm

! max 10 airfoils file names per section
integer, parameter :: MAX_AIRFOIL_FILES = 10
procedure(element_averageQ_f), pointer :: element_averageQ

! ========
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,6 +152,13 @@ subroutine ConstructFarm(self, controlVariables, t0)
self % save_instant = controlVariables % getValueOrDefault("actuator save instant", .false.)
self % save_iterations = controlVariables % getValueOrDefault("actuator save iteration", 1)
self % verbose = controlVariables % getValueOrDefault("actuator verbose", .false.)
self % averageSubElement = controlVariables % getValueOrDefault("actuator average subelement", .true.)

if (self % averageSubElement) then
element_averageQ => semi_element_averageQ
element_averageQ => full_element_averageQ
end if

OPEN( newunit = fid,file=trim(arg),status="old",action="read")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -281,6 +307,7 @@ subroutine ConstructFarm(self, controlVariables, t0)
end select
write(STD_OUT,'(30X,A,A28,F10.3,F10.3)') "->", 'Tip correction constants: ', self%turbine_t(1)%blade_t(1)%tip_c1, self%turbine_t(1)%blade_t(1)%tip_c2
write(STD_OUT,'(30X,A,A28,L1)') "->", "Projection formulation: ", self % calculate_with_projection
if (.not. self%calculate_with_projection) write(STD_OUT,'(30X,A,A28,L1)') "->", "Average sub-Element: ", self % averageSubElement
write(STD_OUT,'(30X,A,A28,L1)') "->", "Save blade average values: ", self % save_average
end if

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -501,10 +528,6 @@ subroutine UpdateFarm(self,time, mesh)
! calculate for all mesh points its contribution based on the gaussian interpolation
! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ( (MPI_Process % doMPIAction) ) then
print*, "MPI not implemented yet for AL projection mode"
call exit(99)
end if
!$omp do schedule(runtime)private(ii,jj)
do jj = 1, self%turbine_t(1)%num_blades

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -560,7 +583,8 @@ subroutine UpdateFarm(self,time, mesh)
call self % FindActuatorPointElement(mesh, x, tolerance, eID, xi, found)
if (found) then
! averaged state values of the cell
Qtemp = element_averageQ(mesh,eID)
Qtemp = element_averageQ(mesh,eID,xi)
! Qtemp = semi_element_averageQ(mesh,eID,xi)
delta_temp = (mesh % elements(eID) % geom % Volume / product(mesh % elements(eID) % Nxyz + 1)) ** (1.0_RP / 3.0_RP)
Qtemp = 0.0_RP
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -702,42 +726,63 @@ subroutine WriteFarmForces(self,time,iter,last)
integer :: ii, jj
logical :: saveAverage
logical :: save_instant
integer :: ierr
real(kind=RP), dimension(:), allocatable :: local_thrust_temp, local_rotor_force_temp, local_gaussian_sum

if (.not. self % active) return
if ( .not. MPI_Process % isRoot ) return
if (.not. self % active) return

if (present(last)) then
saveAverage = last
saveAverage = .false.
end if
if (present(last)) then
saveAverage = last
saveAverage = .false.
end if

save_instant = self%save_instant .and. ( mod(iter,self % save_iterations) .eq. 0 )
t = time * Lref / refValues%V

if (self%calculate_with_projection) then
! this is necessary for Gaussian weighted sum

do jj = 1, self%turbine_t(1)%num_blades
self%turbine_t(1)%blade_t(jj)%local_thrust(:) = 0.0_RP
self%turbine_t(1)%blade_t(jj)%local_rotor_force(:) = 0.0_RP
end do
if (self%calculate_with_projection) then
! this is necessary for Gaussian weighted sum

do jj = 1, self%turbine_t(1)%num_blades
self%turbine_t(1)%blade_t(jj)%local_thrust(:) = 0.0_RP
self%turbine_t(1)%blade_t(jj)%local_rotor_force(:) = 0.0_RP
end do

if ( (MPI_Process % doMPIAction) ) then
associate (num_blade_sections => self%turbine_t(1)%num_blade_sections)
allocate( local_thrust_temp(num_blade_sections), local_rotor_force_temp(num_blade_sections), local_gaussian_sum(num_blade_sections) )

!$omp do schedule(runtime)private(ii,jj)
do jj = 1, self%turbine_t(1)%num_blades
do jj = 1, self%turbine_t(1)%num_blades
local_thrust_temp = self%turbine_t(1)%blade_t(jj)%local_thrust_temp
local_rotor_force_temp = self%turbine_t(1)%blade_t(jj)%local_rotor_force_temp
local_gaussian_sum = self%turbine_t(1)%blade_t(jj)%local_gaussian_sum

#ifdef _HAS_MPI_
call mpi_allreduce(local_thrust_temp, self%turbine_t(1)%blade_t(jj)%local_thrust_temp, num_blade_sections, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
call mpi_allreduce(local_rotor_force_temp, self%turbine_t(1)%blade_t(jj)%local_rotor_force_temp, num_blade_sections, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)
call mpi_allreduce(local_gaussian_sum, self%turbine_t(1)%blade_t(jj)%local_gaussian_sum, num_blade_sections, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_SUM, MPI_COMM_WORLD, ierr)

end do
end if

!$omp do schedule(runtime)private(ii,jj)
do jj = 1, self%turbine_t(1)%num_blades
do ii = 1, self%turbine_t(1)%num_blade_sections


!$omp end do

do ii = 1, self%turbine_t(1)%num_blade_sections


!$omp end do

end if

if ( .not. MPI_Process % isRoot ) return

! save in memory the time step forces for each element blade and the whole blades
call self % FarmUpdateBladeForces()

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -879,7 +924,24 @@ Subroutine FarmUpdateLocalForces(self, ii, jj, Q, theta, interp)
self%turbine_t(1)%blade_t(jj)%local_thrust(ii) = lift_force * cos(self%turbine_t(1)%blade_t(jj)%local_angle(ii)) &
+ drag_force * sin(self%turbine_t(1)%blade_t(jj)%local_angle(ii))


!print *, "wind_speed_axial: ", wind_speed_axial
!print *, "wind_speed_rot: ", wind_speed_rot
!print *, "self%turbine_t(1)%blade_t(1)%local_velocity(ii): ", self%turbine_t(1)%blade_t(1)%local_velocity(ii)
!print *, "self%turbine_t(1)%blade_t(1)%local_angle(ii): ", self%turbine_t(1)%blade_t(1)%local_angle(ii)
!print *, "aoa: ", aoa
!print *, "vrel: ", self%turbine_t(1)%blade_t(jj)%local_velocity(ii)
!print *, "Cl: ", Cl
!print *, "Cd: ", Cd
!print *, "density: ", density
!print *, "interp: ", interp
!print *, "tip_correct: ", tip_correct
!print *, "other: ", self%turbine_t(1)%blade_t(jj)%chord(ii) * (self%turbine_t(1)%blade_t(jj)%r_R(ii) - self%turbine_t(1)%blade_t(jj)%r_R(ii-1))
!print *, "lift_force: ", lift_force
!print *, "drag_force: ", drag_force
!print *, "rotor_force: ", self%turbine_t(1)%blade_t(jj)%local_rotor_force(ii)
!print *, "local_thrust: ", self%turbine_t(1)%blade_t(jj)%local_thrust(ii)
End Subroutine FarmUpdateLocalForces
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1095,29 +1157,76 @@ function InterpolateAirfoilData(x1,x2,y1,y2,new_x)
end function

function element_averageQ(mesh,eID)
function full_element_averageQ(mesh,eID,xi)
use HexMeshClass
use PhysicsStorage
use NodalStorageClass
implicit none

type(HexMesh), intent(in) :: mesh
integer, intent(in) :: eID
integer :: k, j, i
real(kind=RP), dimension(NDIM), intent(in) :: xi

integer :: total_points
real(kind=RP), dimension(NCONS) :: element_averageQ, Qsum
real(kind=RP), dimension(NCONS) :: full_element_averageQ, Qsum

Qsum(:) = 0.0_RP
total_points = 0
do k = 0, mesh%elements(eID) % Nxyz(3) ; do j = 0, mesh%elements(eID) % Nxyz(2) ; do i = 0, mesh%elements(eID) % Nxyz(1)
Qsum(:)=Qsum(:)+mesh%elements(eID) % Storage % Q(:,k,j,i)
Qsum(:)=Qsum(:)+mesh%elements(eID) % Storage % Q(:,i,j,k)
total_points=total_points + 1
end do ; end do ; end do

element_averageQ(:) = Qsum(:) / real(total_points,RP)
full_element_averageQ(:) = Qsum(:) / real(total_points,RP)

end function full_element_averageQ

Function semi_element_averageQ(mesh,eID,xi)
use HexMeshClass
use PhysicsStorage
use NodalStorageClass

Implicit None
type(HexMesh), intent(in) :: mesh
integer, intent(in) :: eID
real(kind=RP), dimension(NDIM), intent(in) :: xi
real(kind=RP), dimension(NCONS) :: semi_element_averageQ, Qsum

integer :: k, j, i, direction, N, ind
integer, dimension(NDIM) :: firstNodeIndex
integer :: total_points
type(NodalStorage_t), pointer :: spAxi

! fist get the sub element nodes index
do direction = 1, NDIM

N = mesh % elements(eID) % Nxyz(direction)
spAxi => NodalStorage(N)

do ind = 0, N
firstNodeIndex(direction) = ind-1
if (xi(direction) .le. spAxi%x(ind)) exit
end do

if (firstNodeIndex(direction) .eq. -1) firstNodeIndex(direction) = 0

end do


! now average on the sub element
Qsum(:) = 0.0_RP
total_points = 0
do k = firstNodeIndex(IZ), firstNodeIndex(IZ)+1 ; do j = firstNodeIndex(IY), firstNodeIndex(IY)+1 ; do i = firstNodeIndex(IX),firstNodeIndex(IX)+1
Qsum(:) = Qsum(:) + mesh % elements(eID) % Storage % Q(:,i,j,k)
total_points = total_points + 1
end do ; end do ; end do

semi_element_averageQ(:) = Qsum(:) / real(total_points,RP)

end function element_averageQ
End Function semi_element_averageQ

end module
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tutorials/Wind_Turbine/ActuatorDef/Act_ActuatorDef.dat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -278,8 +278,8 @@
# Gaussian parameter epsilon
# tip correction cosntants c1 c2
0.125 21.0

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