Description :-
- This project aims to estimate a car's price based on its features using machine learning techniques. The dataset used in this project can be found here.
- Eliminating the duplicate columns, replacing a specific column that contains a special character with nan values
- The outliers were removed using the iqr approach.
- Filling in a missing value with the KNN Imputer
- Instead of utilising ordinal encoding, because some of the columns contained more than 20 categorical variables. Target guided encoding that I utilised provides greater correlation with the dependent variable.
- Beginning with a decision tree regressor, training the input data with a decision tree method and model worked extremely well and produced training data with a high degree of accuracy. The test data's predictions were correct.
- The R2 score achieved was 0.99, indicating a highly accurate model. The mean absolute error was 17.79, and the mean absolute percentage error was 0.005.
Model provided good accuracy, thus I didn't even adjust the hyperparameters. Target directed encoding and mean encoding were used in place of label encoding, and they produced substantial correlations with the target variable.