Project for the AI Challenge in Foundaments of Artificial Intelligence M at University of Bologna. Link for the competition @Tablut Competition. The aim of the project is to create a player for the game of Tablut.
The project requires a working Java Environment. You need to have JDK >= 11. From Ubuntu/Debian console, you can install it with these commands:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk -y
You can run the player with:
cd Executables
java -jar Beluga.jar <white|black> [<timeout>] [<server_address>]
If not specified, the default values are 60 for timeout
and localhost for server_address
Alternatively, you can run the player with the bash script provided:
./runmyplayer <white|black> [<timeout>] [<server_address>]
With the same default values written above.
For convenience, we provide the Server. You can find information about it in the main repository
Lorenzo Di Palma, Giovanni Gheriglio