This repository contains reproduction steups for setting up Firecracker and the PVM Linux Kernel module to run a VM.
You must be using a RHEL-based OS (like Fedora) to install a pre-build linux kernel:
dnf config-manager --add-repo '' # Or, if you're on Fedora Linux 41+, use `sudo dnf config-manager addrepo --from-repofile ''`
sudo dnf install -y kernel-6.7.12_pvm_host_fedora_baremetal-1.x86_64
Next, setup the installed kernel to be used in future boots:
sudo grubby --set-default /boot/vmlinuz-6.7.12-pvm-host-fedora-baremetal
sudo grubby --copy-default --args="pti=off nokaslr lapic=notscdeadline" --update-kernel /boot/vmlinuz-6.7.12-pvm-host-fedora-baremetal
sudo dracut --force --kver 6.7.12-pvm-host-fedora-baremetal
And make sure any existing KVM modules do not get loaded:
sudo tee /etc/modprobe.d/kvm-intel-amd-blacklist.conf <<EOF
blacklist kvm-intel
blacklist kvm-amd
echo "kvm-pvm" | sudo tee /etc/modules-load.d/kvm-pvm.conf
Finally, reboot:
sudo reboot
And make sure the new kernel is being used:
lsmod | grep pvm # Check if PVM is available
If you'd like to build the kernel from source, you can do so as follows:
git clone
cd linux-pvm-ci
make clone
make "copy/fedora/baremetal"
make "patch/fedora/baremetal"
make "configure/fedora/baremetal"
make -j$(nproc) "build/fedora/baremetal"
On a host with KVM available (via PVM or otherwise) you can now run Firecracker:
git clone
cd firecracker-pvm-snapshot-restore-reproducer
tar --zstd -xvf ./assets.tar.zst
Now, start the firecracker process:
# Terminal 1
source ./
Next, create a VM and snapshot it:
# Terminal 2
source ./
Now, attempt to resume the snapshot you just created:
# Terminal 1
# Terminal 2