A playing agent for "Hunt the Wumpus".
Besides a Python 3 runtime, the only dependency is the DLV system.
An executable named dlv
will be picked up if it is (a) on the $PATH
or (b) in the current working
directory at the time of executing Hakuna Matata. For example:
$ which dlv
# Will work!
$ which dlv
/usr/bin/which: no dlv in (...)
# Note that DLV is not in the $PATH!
$ file dlv
dlv: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, for GNU/Linux 2.6.15, BuildID[sha1]=9b02b8807051dc70990bda5d9f1744f10eb87675, stripped
# DLV is in the current working directory, good!
$ chmod u+x dlv
# Don't forget to allow exection!
If dlv
cannot be found in either location, an attempt will be made to download it to the
current working directory, before proceeding to the Hunt the Wumpus game. For example:
$ file dlv
dlv: cannot open 'dlv' (No such file or directory)
$ python3 -m hakuna_matata.cli -world '../worlds/test.txt'
NOTE: Could not find DLV! Will attempt to download it.
$ file dlv
dlv: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, for GNU/Linux 2.6.15, BuildID[sha1]=9b02b8807051dc70990bda5d9f1744f10eb87675, stripped
allows to set the size of the generated world, as a positive integer number.-seed
allows to set the seed for the world generator, as a hexadecimal number.-world
allows to set the world specification (size, location of pits/wumpus/gold), given as an input file.-human
if you do not want to have Hakuna matata play, but try out the game yourself.-generate
allows to generate a world together with the score obtained by the perfect agent over it, given a base.-benchmark
allows to test an agent against a given benchmark suite.
The Wumpus World Simulator is available via
a Git submodule at src/wsu
. To check out the
contents, run the following commands:
$ git submodule init
Submodule 'Projects/wumpus/wsu' ([email protected]:ILS/wumpus-world-simulator.git) registered for path 'src/wsu'
$ git submodule update
Cloning into '/tmp/white/Projects/wumpus/src/wsu'...
Submodule path 'src/wsu': checked out 'ca54e7cbf449134d45363c84820575cf401f950c'
Next, navigate to the directory:
$ cd src/wsu
Make sure that your Python configuration is set up correctly and/or the contents of
are alright and go ahead to build pywumpsim
$ make pywumpsim
# or
$ PYTHON_CONFIG=python-config3 make pywumpsim
To invoke the simulator correctly, make sure that PYTHONPATH
points at src
, i.e.:
$ PYTHONPATH=.. ./pywumpsim
Of course, it also works the other way round:
$ cd ..
$ PYTHONPATH=. ./wsu/pywumpsim
Generally, you may well be able to use a precompiled pywumpsim
binary. Just point
at src
, which is where PyAgent.py
is located.