- Company :
👾 - Author :
🥸 - License :
install release binary file release or git clone and build rep.
- CMake
- conan (package manager)
conan install .
and cmake build .
in src directory
A program for copying files and folders to a specific location with logging.
- Specifications
32or 64-bit system- Uses
to hash files
Arguments for start use program:
? - the symbol means that the argument is optional
- --c="path/to/file/or/directory" (copy) - Name entity for copy (folder or file)
- --p="path/to/directory" (point_to) - End point to copy entity (folder)
- ?--lg="log.txt" - you can point out name logger file and then the logs will be written to a file with the same name in the current program startup folder
- ? --lg (logger_on) - don't specify a path that logger file create in the current work folder
- ? --chck (check_on) - hash check parameter after copying is completed
- ? --rt=2gb (rotation_file) - option set max size log file, clearing if file larger this value (examples): --rt=2gb, --rt=1mb --rt=201kb. additions (GB, MB, KB)