Demo repository for GitOps with Flux2 using a branch based monorepo per cluster and application repos.
You need to have the following tools installed locally to be able to complete all steps:
# define required ENV variables for the next steps to work
$ export GITHUB_TOKEN=<your-token>
$ export GITHUB_USER=lreimer
$ export AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=`aws sts get-caller-identity --query Account --output text`
# created 2 branches to track the individual cluster states
$ git branch env/dev
$ git branch env/prod
$ git push --all
# setup the dev cluster and GitOps environment
$ make create-dev-cluster
$ make bootstrap-flux2-dev
# next we start to add things to the cluster
# all files to apply in the env/ branches are in the examples directory
# setup the dev cluster and GitOps environment
$ make create-prod-cluster
$ make bootstrap-flux2-prod
$ make destroy-clusters
# the relevant files are found in examples/webhook-receiver/
$ git checkout env/dev
$ cp examples/flux-system/ clusters/flux2-dev-cluster/
$ git add -A && git commit -m "Added webhook receiver for flux-system"
$ git push
# you also need to create the webhook for the Git Repository
# Payload URL: http://<LoadBalancerAddress>/<ReceiverURL>
# Secret: the webhook-token value
$ kubectl -n flux-system get svc/receiver
$ kubectl -n flux-system get receiver/webapp
In order to declare the infrastructure overlay for the cluster, add the following YAML
to the clusters/flux2-dev-cluster/flux-system/cluster-sync.yml
kind: Kustomization
name: infrastructure
namespace: flux-system
interval: 5m0s
kind: GitRepository
name: flux-system
path: ./infrastructure
prune: true
Next, you can put and deploy the Kustomizations
to the infrastructure/
To deploy some Helm and Git repository sources as well as useful infrastructure componentsuse the files under examples/infrastructure/
In order to declare the infrastructure overlay for the cluster, add the following YAML
to the clusters/flux2-dev-cluster/flux-system/cluster-sync.yml
kind: Kustomization
name: applications
namespace: flux-system
interval: 5m0s
- name: infrastructure
kind: GitRepository
name: flux-system
path: ./applications
prune: true
validation: client
Next, you can put and deploy the Kustomizations
to the applications/
To deploy the podinfo example use the files under examples/applications/
M.-Leander Reimer (@lreimer), [email protected]
This software is provided under the MIT open source license, read the LICENSE
file for details.