All sewersheds serving a population of less than 3,000 people have been omitted for privacy. If this information is desired for official use, please submit a request to be reviewed.
Variable name | Description |
county | County in which the facility resides |
county_names | ID consisting of state and county FIPS codes |
region | Region of New York in which the facility resides |
zipcode | ZIP code in which the facility resides |
wwtp_name | Name of the permitted facility |
sw_id | Facility ID consisting of state and county FIPS codes, SPDES permit number, and a collection of numbers and/or letters unique to each site |
epaid | SPDES permit number for facility |
cdc_id | Unique ID consisting of the SPDES permit number and a reference letter for sampling location, either wastewater treatment plant (A) or upstream (B, C, D, etc.) |
site_id | See "cdc_id" |
sample_location | Location within the sewershed where the sample is taken (i.e., wwtp or upstream) |
sample_location_specify | Specific name of sampling location (see "sample_location") |
method | Type of location where sample is taken with regard to flow (e.g., influent or upstream) |
capacity_mgd | Average hydraulic flow the facility is designed to treat, in millions of gallons per day (mgd) |
population_served | Estimated number of persons connected to the sampling point |
institution_type | Clarification of health, academic, or other institutional-specific connections to the facility |
reporting_jurisdiction | Jurisdiction in which the facility resides |
wwtp_jurisdiction | See "reporting_jurisdiction" |
wwtp_latitude | Latitude (decimal degrees) |
wwtp_longitude | Longitude (decimal degrees) |
Variable name | Description |
sample_collect_date | Date when sample was collected |
date_received | Date when sample was received, if available |
test_result_date | Date when results were quantified |
date_reported | Date when results were reported |
sample_id | ID consisting of sample collection date and sampling site ID |
sw_id | Facility ID consisting of state and county FIPS codes, SPDES permit number, and a collection of numbers and/or letters unique to each site |
site_id | Unique ID consisting of the SPDES permit number and a reference letter for sampling location, either wastewater treatment plant (A) or upstream (B, C, D, etc.) |
pcr_lab | Name of receiving and processing lab |
sars_pos | Number of tested sample replicates returning a measurement above the LOD (0-3) |
ct | Ct value from RT-qPCR measurement |
sars2_copies_ml | Ct values converted to concentration of SARS-CoV-2 |
hum_frac_mic_copies_ml | Measured concentration of endogenous control (crAssphage or PMMoV) |
rec_eff_percent | Percentage of bovine coronavirus control recovered following sample processing and measurement |
sample_temp_f | Temperature (Fahrenheit) of sample upon receipt, if available |
sample_type | Method of wastewater sampling |
flow_rate | Average hydraulic flow the facility is designed to treat, in millions of gallons per day (mgd) |
flow_rate_flag | Quality control flag regarding recorded flow rate (see "flow_rate") |
quadrant_sample_id | Sample ID used in processing lab |
withheld | Indication of whether the results were reported or withheld |
Variable name | Description |
sample_id | ID consisting of sample collection date and sampling site ID |
variant | SARS-CoV-2 variant detected in sample |
variant_pct | Relative abundance of variant detected in sample |