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The Silverwind is a high-performance reverse proxy/load balancer. And it could be also used as the ingress controller in the k8s.
Start the Silverwind-Dashboard over docker-compose.
The docker-compose.yaml is like following:
version: "3.9"
image: lsk569937453/silverwind-dashboard:0.0.7
container_name: silverwind-dashboard
- "4486:4486"
image: lsk569937453/silverwind:0.0.7
container_name: silverwind
- "6980:6980"
You could check the main page for Silverwind -Dashboard after you execute the docker-compose up command.
We do the performance testing between several popular proxies including NGINX, Envoy, and Caddy. The benchmarks show here.
The test results show that under the same machine configuration (4 cores 8G), in some indicators (requests per second, average response time), the data of Silverwind is almost the same as the NGINX and Envoy. In terms of request latency, Silverwind is better than NGINX and Envoy.
Silverwind is not only a reverse proxy/load balancer, but also an API gateway. As an API gateway, Silverwind will cover all basic functions (black and white list/authorization/fuse limit/gray release , blue-green publishing/monitoring/caching/protocol conversion).
Compared with other gateways, Silverwind has the advantage of covering all the basic services of the API gateway, and has high performance. Second, Silverwind's dynamic configuration is close to real-time. Every time the configuration is modified, it will take effect within 5 seconds (close to real-time).
The free Ratelimiting plugin for Kong is inaccurate. If we want to achieve more accurate Ratelimiting, we have to buy the enterprise version of Kong.
Envoy does not have built-in ratelimiting. Envoy provides a ratelimiting interface for users to implement by themselves. Currently the most used is this project. The first disadvantage is that the project only supports fixed-window ratelimiting. The disadvantage of the fixed window ratelimiting is that it does not support burst traffic. The second disadvantage is that every time Envoy is requested, it will use grpc to request the ratelimiting cluster. Compared with the built-in current limiting algorithm, this actually adds an additional network hop.
You could change the configuration over the rest API. And the new configuration will have an effect in 5 seconds.
Install openssl as following:
> git clone https://github.com/microsoft/vcpkg
> .\vcpkg\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat
> .\vcpkg.exe install openssl
Install strawberryperl from https://strawberryperl.com/.
You have to install the rust first.
cd rust-proxy
cargo build --release
You could get the release in the target/release.
Download the release from the website.
- listen_port: 9969
server_type: HTTP
- matcher:
prefix: /
prefix_rewrite: ssss
type: RandomRoute
- base_route:
endpoint: http://localhost:8888/
try_file: null
- base_route:
endpoint: http://localhost:9999/
try_file: null
- base_route:
endpoint: http://localhost:7777/
try_file: null
The proxy will listen the 9969 port and forward the traffic to the http://localhost:8888/,http://localhost:9999/.http://localhost:7777/.
- listen_port: 4486
server_type: TCP
- matcher:
prefix: "/"
prefix_rewrite: ssss
type: RandomRoute
- base_route:
endpoint: httpbin.org:443
try_file: null
$env:CONFIG_FILE_PATH='D:\code\app_config.yaml'; .\rust-proxy.exe
Or you could start without the config file like the following:
POST /appConfig HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 1752
"listen_port": 3001,
"service_config": {
"server_type": "Http",
"routes": [
"matcher": {
"prefix": "/",
"prefix_rewrite": "/"
"route_cluster": {
"type": "PollRoute",
"routes": [
"base_route": {
"endpoint": "https://httpbin.org/get"
GET /appConfig HTTP/1.1
PUT /route HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 629
"route_id": "90c66439-5c87-4902-aebb-1c2c9443c154",
"host_name": null,
"matcher": {
"prefix": "/",
"prefix_rewrite": "ssss"
"allow_deny_list": null,
"authentication": null,
"anomaly_detection": null,
"liveness_config": null,
"health_check": null,
"ratelimit": null,
"route_cluster": {
"type": "RandomRoute",
"routes": [
"base_route": {
"endpoint": "",
"try_file": null,
"is_alive": null
DELETE /route/90c66439-5c87-4902-aebb-1c2c9443c154 HTTP/1.1
- IP Allow-and-Deny list
- Authentication(Basic Auth,ApiKey Auth)
- Rate limiting(Token Bucket,Fixed Window)
- Routing
- Load Balancing(Poll,Random,Weight,Header Based)
- HealthCheck&AnomalyDetection
- Free Https Certificate
- Dynamic Configuration(Rest Api)
- Dashboard For Silverwind
- Monitoring(Prometheus)
- Protocol Translation
- Caching