The improved preact fork of react-scrollchor for scrolling to markup elements and/by setting the #hash. Scrollchor is a mix of
, a joke name for a useful component.
is the id
of a HTML tag on current page.
If you're a react-person definitely check out the original version, I mainly didn't want to bother adding
and disliked quite a few aspects of the implementation.
npm install preact-scrollchor --save
import Scrollchor from "preact-scrollchor"
export default props => (
<Scrollchor to="#sample-code">Sample</Scrollchor>
<Scrollchor to="footer">SignUp</Scrollchor>
<div id="sample-code" />
<footer id="footer" />
Animation behavior can be customized:
<Scrollchor to="#aboutus" animate={{ offset: 20, duration: 600 }}>
{ offset: 0, duration: 400, easing: easeOutQuad }
This setting is equivalent to default jQuery.animate easing: swing
Use this callbacks to trigger behaviours like, for example, update state, load async stuffs, etc.
<Scrollchor to="#aboutus" afterAnimate={() => updateState(this)}>
Scrollchor includes a dedicated API to invoke the scroll behavior programmatically using simulateClick()