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Another way to compile goto's
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The compilation of a goto or a label just create an entry and generate
boilerplate code for the gotos. As we don't know yet whether it needs a
CLOSE, we code a jump followed by a CLOSE, which is then dead code.

When a block ends (and then we know for sure whether there are variables
that need to be closed), we check the goto's against the labels of that
block. When closing a goto against a label, if it needs a CLOSE, the
compiler swaps the order of the jump and the CLOSE, making the CLOSE
  • Loading branch information
roberto-ieru committed Jan 10, 2025
1 parent 8a3a492 commit 7ca3c40
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Showing 6 changed files with 119 additions and 121 deletions.
187 changes: 80 additions & 107 deletions lparser.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -530,33 +530,46 @@ static l_noret jumpscopeerror (LexState *ls, Labeldesc *gt) {

** Solves the goto at index 'g' to given 'label' and removes it
** Closes the goto at index 'g' to given 'label' and removes it
** from the list of pending gotos.
** If it jumps into the scope of some variable, raises an error.
** The goto needs a CLOSE if it jumps out of a block with upvalues,
** or out of the scope of some variable and the block has upvalues
** (signaled by parameter 'bup').
static void solvegoto (LexState *ls, int g, Labeldesc *label) {
static void closegoto (LexState *ls, int g, Labeldesc *label, int bup) {
int i;
FuncState *fs = ls->fs;
Labellist *gl = &ls->dyd->gt; /* list of gotos */
Labeldesc *gt = &gl->arr[g]; /* goto to be resolved */
lua_assert(eqstr(gt->name, label->name));
if (l_unlikely(gt->nactvar < label->nactvar)) /* enter some scope? */
jumpscopeerror(ls, gt);
luaK_patchlist(ls->fs, gt->pc, label->pc);
if (gt->close ||
(label->nactvar < gt->nactvar && bup)) { /* needs close? */
lu_byte stklevel = reglevel(fs, label->nactvar);
/* move jump to CLOSE position */
fs->f->code[gt->pc + 1] = fs->f->code[gt->pc];
/* put CLOSE instruction at original position */
fs->f->code[gt->pc] = CREATE_ABCk(OP_CLOSE, stklevel, 0, 0, 0);
gt->pc++; /* must point to jump instruction */
luaK_patchlist(ls->fs, gt->pc, label->pc); /* goto jumps to label */
for (i = g; i < gl->n - 1; i++) /* remove goto from pending list */
gl->arr[i] = gl->arr[i + 1];

** Search for an active label with the given name.
** Search for an active label with the given name, starting at
** index 'ilb' (so that it can searh for all labels in current block
** or all labels in current function).
static Labeldesc *findlabel (LexState *ls, TString *name) {
int i;
static Labeldesc *findlabel (LexState *ls, TString *name, int ilb) {
Dyndata *dyd = ls->dyd;
/* check labels in current function for a match */
for (i = ls->fs->firstlabel; i < dyd->label.n; i++) {
Labeldesc *lb = &dyd->label.arr[i];
for (; ilb < dyd->label.n; ilb++) {
Labeldesc *lb = &dyd->label.arr[ilb];
if (eqstr(lb->name, name)) /* correct label? */
return lb;
Expand All @@ -582,29 +595,19 @@ static int newlabelentry (LexState *ls, Labellist *l, TString *name,

static int newgotoentry (LexState *ls, TString *name, int line, int pc) {
return newlabelentry(ls, &ls->dyd->gt, name, line, pc);

** Solves forward jumps. Check whether new label 'lb' matches any
** pending gotos in current block and solves them. Return true
** if any of the gotos need to close upvalues.
** Create an entry for the goto and the code for it. As it is not known
** at this point whether the goto may need a CLOSE, the code has a jump
** followed by an CLOSE. (As the CLOSE comes after the jump, it is a
** dead instruction; it works as a placeholder.) When the goto is closed
** against a label, if it needs a CLOSE, the two instructions swap
** positions, so that the CLOSE comes before the jump.
static int solvegotos (LexState *ls, Labeldesc *lb) {
Labellist *gl = &ls->dyd->gt;
int i = ls->fs->bl->firstgoto;
int needsclose = 0;
while (i < gl->n) {
if (eqstr(gl->arr[i].name, lb->name)) {
needsclose |= gl->arr[i].close;
solvegoto(ls, i, lb); /* will remove 'i' from the list */
return needsclose;
static int newgotoentry (LexState *ls, TString *name, int line) {
FuncState *fs = ls->fs;
int pc = luaK_jump(fs); /* create jump */
luaK_codeABC(fs, OP_CLOSE, 0, 1, 0); /* spaceholder, marked as dead */
return newlabelentry(ls, &ls->dyd->gt, name, line, pc);

Expand All @@ -615,37 +618,45 @@ static int solvegotos (LexState *ls, Labeldesc *lb) {
** a close instruction if necessary.
** Returns true iff it added a close instruction.
static int createlabel (LexState *ls, TString *name, int line,
int last) {
static void createlabel (LexState *ls, TString *name, int line, int last) {
FuncState *fs = ls->fs;
Labellist *ll = &ls->dyd->label;
int l = newlabelentry(ls, ll, name, line, luaK_getlabel(fs));
if (last) { /* label is last no-op statement in the block? */
/* assume that locals are already out of scope */
ll->arr[l].nactvar = fs->bl->nactvar;
if (solvegotos(ls, &ll->arr[l])) { /* need close? */
luaK_codeABC(fs, OP_CLOSE, luaY_nvarstack(fs), 0, 0);
return 1;
return 0;

** Adjust pending gotos to outer level of a block.
** Traverse the pending goto's of the finishing block checking whether
** each match some label of that block. Those that do not match are
** "exported" to the outer block, to be solved there. In particular,
** its 'nactvar' is updated with the level of the inner block,
** as the variables of the inner block are now out of scope.
static void movegotosout (FuncState *fs, BlockCnt *bl) {
int i;
Labellist *gl = &fs->ls->dyd->gt;
/* correct pending gotos to current block */
for (i = bl->firstgoto; i < gl->n; i++) { /* for each pending goto */
Labeldesc *gt = &gl->arr[i];
/* leaving a variable scope? */
if (reglevel(fs, gt->nactvar) > reglevel(fs, bl->nactvar))
gt->close |= bl->upval; /* jump may need a close */
gt->nactvar = bl->nactvar; /* update goto level */
static void solvegotos (FuncState *fs, BlockCnt *bl) {
LexState *ls = fs->ls;
Labellist *gl = &ls->dyd->gt;
int outlevel = reglevel(fs, bl->nactvar); /* level outside the block */
int igt = bl->firstgoto; /* first goto in the finishing block */
while (igt < gl->n) { /* for each pending goto */
Labeldesc *gt = &gl->arr[igt];
/* search for a matching label in the current block */
Labeldesc *lb = findlabel(ls, gt->name, bl->firstlabel);
if (lb != NULL) /* found a match? */
closegoto(ls, igt, lb, bl->upval); /* close and remove goto */
else { /* adjust 'goto' for outer block */
/* block has variables to be closed and goto escapes the scope of
some variable? */
if (bl->upval && reglevel(fs, gt->nactvar) > outlevel)
gt->close = 1; /* jump may need a close */
gt->nactvar = bl->nactvar; /* correct level for outer block */
igt++; /* go to next goto */
ls->dyd->label.n = bl->firstlabel; /* remove local labels */

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -682,23 +693,20 @@ static l_noret undefgoto (LexState *ls, Labeldesc *gt) {
static void leaveblock (FuncState *fs) {
BlockCnt *bl = fs->bl;
LexState *ls = fs->ls;
int hasclose = 0;
lu_byte stklevel = reglevel(fs, bl->nactvar); /* level outside the block */
lu_byte stklevel = reglevel(fs, bl->nactvar); /* level outside block */
if (bl->previous && bl->upval) /* need a 'close'? */
luaK_codeABC(fs, OP_CLOSE, stklevel, 0, 0);
fs->freereg = stklevel; /* free registers */
removevars(fs, bl->nactvar); /* remove block locals */
lua_assert(bl->nactvar == fs->nactvar); /* back to level on entry */
if (bl->isloop) /* has to fix pending breaks? */
hasclose = createlabel(ls, luaS_newliteral(ls->L, "break"), 0, 0);
if (!hasclose && bl->previous && bl->upval) /* still need a 'close'? */
luaK_codeABC(fs, OP_CLOSE, stklevel, 0, 0);
fs->freereg = stklevel; /* free registers */
ls->dyd->label.n = bl->firstlabel; /* remove local labels */
fs->bl = bl->previous; /* current block now is previous one */
if (bl->previous) /* was it a nested block? */
movegotosout(fs, bl); /* update pending gotos to enclosing block */
else {
createlabel(ls, luaS_newliteral(ls->L, "break"), 0, 0);
solvegotos(fs, bl);
if (bl->previous == NULL) { /* was it the last block? */
if (bl->firstgoto < ls->dyd->gt.n) /* still pending gotos? */
undefgoto(ls, &ls->dyd->gt.arr[bl->firstgoto]); /* error */
fs->bl = bl->previous; /* current block now is previous one */

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1446,40 +1454,27 @@ static int cond (LexState *ls) {

static void gotostat (LexState *ls) {
FuncState *fs = ls->fs;
int line = ls->linenumber;
static void gotostat (LexState *ls, int line) {
TString *name = str_checkname(ls); /* label's name */
Labeldesc *lb = findlabel(ls, name);
if (lb == NULL) /* no label? */
/* forward jump; will be resolved when the label is declared */
newgotoentry(ls, name, line, luaK_jump(fs));
else { /* found a label */
/* backward jump; will be resolved here */
int lblevel = reglevel(fs, lb->nactvar); /* label level */
if (luaY_nvarstack(fs) > lblevel) /* leaving the scope of a variable? */
luaK_codeABC(fs, OP_CLOSE, lblevel, 0, 0);
/* create jump and link it to the label */
luaK_patchlist(fs, luaK_jump(fs), lb->pc);
newgotoentry(ls, name, line);

** Break statement. Semantically equivalent to "goto break".
static void breakstat (LexState *ls) {
int line = ls->linenumber;
static void breakstat (LexState *ls, int line) {
luaX_next(ls); /* skip break */
newgotoentry(ls, luaS_newliteral(ls->L, "break"), line, luaK_jump(ls->fs));
newgotoentry(ls, luaS_newliteral(ls->L, "break"), line);

** Check whether there is already a label with the given 'name'.
** Check whether there is already a label with the given 'name' at
** current function.
static void checkrepeated (LexState *ls, TString *name) {
Labeldesc *lb = findlabel(ls, name);
Labeldesc *lb = findlabel(ls, name, ls->fs->firstlabel);
if (l_unlikely(lb != NULL)) { /* already defined? */
const char *msg = "label '%s' already defined on line %d";
msg = luaO_pushfstring(ls->L, msg, getstr(name), lb->line);
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1669,38 +1664,16 @@ static void forstat (LexState *ls, int line) {

static void test_then_block (LexState *ls, int *escapelist) {
/* test_then_block -> [IF | ELSEIF] cond THEN block */
BlockCnt bl;
FuncState *fs = ls->fs;
expdesc v;
int jf; /* instruction to skip 'then' code (if condition is false) */
int condtrue;
luaX_next(ls); /* skip IF or ELSEIF */
expr(ls, &v); /* read condition */
condtrue = cond(ls); /* read condition */
checknext(ls, TK_THEN);
if (ls->t.token == TK_BREAK) { /* 'if x then break' ? */
int line = ls->linenumber;
luaK_goiffalse(ls->fs, &v); /* will jump if condition is true */
luaX_next(ls); /* skip 'break' */
enterblock(fs, &bl, 0); /* must enter block before 'goto' */
newgotoentry(ls, luaS_newliteral(ls->L, "break"), line, v.t);
while (testnext(ls, ';')) {} /* skip semicolons */
if (block_follow(ls, 0)) { /* jump is the entire block? */
return; /* and that is it */
else /* must skip over 'then' part if condition is false */
jf = luaK_jump(fs);
else { /* regular case (not a break) */
luaK_goiftrue(ls->fs, &v); /* skip over block if condition is false */
enterblock(fs, &bl, 0);
jf = v.f;
statlist(ls); /* 'then' part */
block(ls); /* 'then' part */
if (ls->t.token == TK_ELSE ||
ls->t.token == TK_ELSEIF) /* followed by 'else'/'elseif'? */
luaK_concat(fs, escapelist, luaK_jump(fs)); /* must jump over it */
luaK_patchtohere(fs, jf);
luaK_patchtohere(fs, condtrue);

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1928,12 +1901,12 @@ static void statement (LexState *ls) {
case TK_BREAK: { /* stat -> breakstat */
breakstat(ls, line);
case TK_GOTO: { /* stat -> 'goto' NAME */
luaX_next(ls); /* skip 'goto' */
gotostat(ls, line);
default: { /* stat -> func | assignment */
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion lparser.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ typedef struct Labeldesc {
int pc; /* position in code */
int line; /* line where it appeared */
lu_byte nactvar; /* number of active variables in that position */
lu_byte close; /* goto that escapes upvalues */
lu_byte close; /* true for goto that escapes upvalues */
} Labeldesc;

Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions lvm.c
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -1590,6 +1590,7 @@ void luaV_execute (lua_State *L, CallInfo *ci) {
vmcase(OP_CLOSE) {
StkId ra = RA(i);
lua_assert(!GETARG_B(i)); /* 'close must be alive */
Protect(luaF_close(L, ra, LUA_OK, 1));
Expand Down
13 changes: 11 additions & 2 deletions testes/code.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -412,13 +412,22 @@ checkequal(function (l) local a; return 0 <= a and a <= l end,
function (l) local a; return not (not(a >= 0) or not(a <= l)) end)

-- if-break optimizations
check(function (a, b)
while a do
if b then break else a = a + 1 end
'TEST', 'JMP', 'TEST', 'JMP', 'JMP', 'CLOSE', 'JMP', 'ADDI', 'MMBINI', 'JMP', 'RETURN0')

check(function ()
goto exit -- don't need to close
local x <close> = nil
goto exit -- must close
end, 'JMP', 'CLOSE', 'LOADNIL', 'TBC',

checkequal(function () return 6 or true or nil end,
function () return k6 or kTrue or kNil end)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion testes/db.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ then
]], {2,3,4,7})
]], {2,4,7})

Expand Down
35 changes: 25 additions & 10 deletions testes/goto.lua
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -250,21 +250,36 @@ assert(testG(3) == "3")
assert(testG(4) == 5)
assert(testG(5) == 10)

-- if x back goto out of scope of upvalue
local X
do -- test goto's around to-be-closed variable

-- set 'var' and return an object that will reset 'var' when
-- it goes out of scope
local function newobj (var)
_ENV[var] = true
return setmetatable({}, {__close = function ()
_ENV[var] = nil

goto L1

::L2:: goto L3
::L4:: assert(not X); goto L5 -- varX dead here

::L1:: do
local a <close> = setmetatable({}, {__close = function () X = true end})
assert(X == nil)
if a then goto L2 end -- jumping back out of scope of 'a'
local varX <close> = newobj("X")
assert(X); goto L2 -- varX alive here

::L3:: assert(X == true) -- checks that 'a' was correctly closed
assert(X); goto L4 -- varX alive here

::L2:: assert(X); goto L3 -- varX alive here

::L5:: -- return


Expand Down

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