A simple, easy to use, high performance, pluggable micro services framework
English | Chinese
Before installing gorpc, you need to install go and configure the go environment
In gopath mode, you simply execute the following command to install
go get -u -v github.com/lubanproj/gorpc
In the go modules mode, you simply import the package "github.com/lubanproj/gorpc", which automatically downloads the dependency when you execute the go [build|run|test]
git clone https://github.com/lubanproj/gorpc.git
cd gorpc/examples/helloworld
# start server
go run server/server.go
# start client,start another terminal and execute
go run client/client.go
You only need three steps to complete a service call
- define a service
- use a server to publish a service
- use a client to initiate a service call
1. define a service
type Service struct {
type HelloRequest struct {
Msg string
type HelloReply struct {
Msg string
func (s *Service) SayHello(ctx context.Context, req *HelloRequest) (*HelloReply, error) {
rsp := &HelloReply{
Msg : "world",
return rsp, nil
2. use a server to publish a service
func main() {
opts := []gorpc.ServerOption{
gorpc.WithTimeout(time.Millisecond * 2000),
s := gorpc.NewServer(opts ...)
if err := s.RegisterService("/helloworld.Greeter", new(helloworld.Service)); err != nil {
3. use a client to initiate a service call
func main() {
opts := []client.Option {
client.WithTimeout(2000 * time.Millisecond),
c := client.DefaultClient
req := &helloworld.HelloRequest{
Msg: "hello",
rsp := &helloworld.HelloReply{}
err := c.Call(context.Background(), "/helloworld.Greeter/SayHello", req, rsp, opts ...)
fmt.Println(rsp.Msg, err)
See helloworld for more details
- High performance, performance far exceeds that of the grpc, refer to Performance
- Support reflection, code generation two ways to call
- All plug-ins are configurable
- Multi-protocol support, currently supported tcp、udp、http, extensible and customizable
- Support interceptor, extensible and customizable
- Support connection pooling, extensible and customizable
- Support service discovery, provides the consul plug-in implementation, extensible and customizable
- Support load balancing, provides the random、round robin、weighted round robin、consistent hash implementation, extensible and customizable
- Support opentracing, provides the jaeger plug-in implementation, extensible and customizable
- Support for a variety of serialization methods, the default reflection calls using protobuf serialization, code generation calls using msgpack serialization,support custom serialization
- More features are being supported ......
Environment :
- CPU : Intel(R) Xeon(R) Gold 61xx CPU @2.44GHz
- CPU cores : 8
- Memory : 16G
- Disk : 540G
Result : The results were performed using gorpc-benchmark ,which performed three times to get the maximum
gorpc :
git clone https://github.com/lubanproj/gorpc-benchmark.git
cd gorpc-benchmark
# start gorpc server
go run server.go
# start gorpc-benchmark client,start another terminal and execute
go run client.go -concurrency=100 -total=1000000
The performance test results are as follows :
> go run client.go -concurrency=100 -total=1000000
2020/02/29 15:56:57 client.go:71: [INFO] took 5214 ms for 1000000 requests
2020/02/29 15:56:57 client.go:72: [INFO] sent requests : 1000000
2020/02/29 15:56:57 client.go:73: [INFO] received requests : 1000000
2020/02/29 15:56:57 client.go:74: [INFO] received requests succ : 1000000
2020/02/29 15:56:57 client.go:75: [INFO] received requests fail : 0
2020/02/29 15:56:57 client.go:76: [INFO] throughput (TPS) : 191791
grpc :
Test grpc with the same machine :
git clone https://github.com/lubanproj/gorpc-benchmark.git
cd gorpc-benchmark/grpc
# run gorpc server
go run server.go
# run gorpc-benchmark client, start another terminal and execute
go run client.go -concurrency=100 -total=1000000
The performance test results are as follows :
> go run client.go -concurrency=100 -total=1000000
2020/02/29 15:46:14 client.go:77: [INFO] took 17169 ms for 1000000 requests
2020/02/29 15:46:14 client.go:78: [INFO] sent requests : 1000000
2020/02/29 15:46:14 client.go:79: [INFO] received requests : 1000000
2020/02/29 15:46:14 client.go:80: [INFO] received requests succ : 1000000
2020/02/29 15:46:14 client.go:81: [INFO] received requests fail : 0
2020/02/29 15:46:14 client.go:82: [INFO] throughput (TPS) : 58244
How to contribute?
refer to Contributing