Automates Lucian Academy with practise bots, submission and assignment handling. I wrote the algorithms in SWI-Prolog.
See Daily Regimen for scripts to run Lucian Academy and help meditate.
- - helps record writing up to a number of algorithms per chapter file
- combophil_alg_log.txt - data file for
- la_com_bot_prep.txt - paste file into Terminal each to create, maintain bots
- - used by la_com_bot_prep.txt to create bots
- - data file containing Lucian's philosophy files
- grad_student_numbers.txt - data file containing graduated student data
- - helps mark assignments, used by
- - helps student submit assignments (on web)
- - submits and manages assignments of practise bots
- luciansphilosophy.txt - File to expand with Algorithm-Writer-with-Lists/ (see Daily Regimen).
- - version of essay helper to write essays, used by
- student_numbers.txt - data file for student data
- - adds reference data (i.e. Title) to files (named "Department by Lucian Green Title") from sources and places them in sources1, for use by essay helper.
- - adds reference data (i.e. Title) to files (named "Title") from sources and places them in sources1, for use by essay helper.
Please read the following instructions on how to install the project on your computer for automating the Lucian Academy.
Please download and install SWI-Prolog for your machine at
. -
You may need to install gawk using Homebrew.
Install Translation Shell on Mac, etc. Change line in
to correct location of trans.
- Download:
- this repository
- listprologinterpreter
- Languages
- Cultural Translation Tool. Requires Translation Shell (you may need to install gawk using Homebrew. Install Translation Shell on Mac, etc.
Change line in culturaltranslationtool/
to correct location of trans). - Algorithm-Writer-with-Lists
- Text-to-Breasonings. (Caution: Before running texttobr, think of two radio buttons put on recordings, put through with prayer, nut and bolt, quantum box prayer 1, 1, 0.5 cm and 1, 1, 0.5 cm. Follow instructions in Instructions for Using texttobr(2) when using texttobr, texttobr2 or mind reader to avoid medical problems).
- mindreader
- Download the LPPM Repository:
mkdir GitHub
cd GitHub/
git clone
cd List-Prolog-Package-Manager
- In Shell:
cd Lucian-Academy
Helps write algorithms for philosophies, keeping a tally of the number of algorithms written per file, where the algorithm stops asking for algorithms for files where the tally is equal to a set number, e.g. 4.
To run:
?- combophil_alg_log.
["Fundamentals of Meditation and Meditation Indicators","FUNDAMENTALS OF MEDITATION by Lucian Green Hours Prayer 1 of 4.txt",0,algorithms,"8. I prepared to endorse Nietzsche’s brilliance. I did this by writing Alexius Meinong’s probable comments on the Medicine blog. First, I called it Anarchy 3. Second, I liked brilliance. Third, I liked Nietzsche’s brilliance. In this way, I prepared to endorse Nietzsche’s brilliance by writing Alexius Meinong’s probable comments on the Medicine blog."]
Algorithm? (y/n):
|: y
["Computational English","COMPUTATIONAL ENGLISH by Lucian Green Computational English Argument 1 of 4.txt",0,algorithms,"8. I prepared to calculate the used space in the house in the short story. I did this by calculating the space complexity in Computational English. First, I counted the number of characters of space that the short story’s world was in length. Second, I skipped counting the number of characters of space that the short story’s world, where this space was revisited, in length. Third, I summed only the cumulative number of characters of space that the short story’s world was in length. In this way, I prepared to calculate the used space in the house in the short story by calculating the space complexity in Computational English."]
Algorithm? (y/n):
|: n
In the above, only the first paragraph's tally is increased, after entering y and n exits the program. To skip a paragraph and try a new paragraph, re-run the algorithm.
Run daily to maintain bots.
Make sure Text-to-Breasonings/brdict1.txt has breasonings from the folders (see instructions to run Text-to-Breasonings).
Paste the contents of
into Terminal when in the Lucian-Academy folder.
Helps student submit assignments (on the web).
To run:
- Go to:
See the first image asking for name, student number, course, essay topic and file contents from, the second image notifying that "Lucian, you have earned the mark, 66 for the topic Computational English Argument in the course Computational English on 15/2/2021 at 23:18.", the third image asking for name and student number to generate a student number and the fourth image notifying that "The email address "[email protected]" for "Lucian" has the student number "1".".
- This web site uses a different student data file from
Generates and records completion of practise essays. A coin is tossed for a new student to come, and for each old student to complete an assignment. There IS breasoning involved, so please see text to breasonings safety tips.
The number of possible students to choose from, 1000, may be edited in:
new_student_number(N) :-
random(X),N is ceiling(1000*X),!.
To run:
adds reference data (i.e. Title) to files (named "Department by Lucian Green Title") from sources and places them in sources1, for use by essay helper. -
adds reference data (i.e. Title) to files (named "Title") from sources and places them in sources1, for use by essay helper. -
To run:
We will use SemVer for versioning.
Lucian Green - Initial programmer - Lucian Academy
I licensed this project under the BSD3 License - see the file for details