An application to score a game of ten-pin bowling.
This project was designed to test my knowledge of back-end web technologies, specifically in Java and assess my ability to create back-end products with attention to details, standards, and reusability.
It was implemented with the MVC pattern in mind.
Although there is no web view to be displayed, the application provides a console output view in order to show the information to the user.
In order to compile this application you need to have Java 8+ and Maven 3+ installed and set up in your computer.
For a detailed walkthough on download, install and set up, please refer to the Java and Maven Documentation
Clone repository and build the package
$ git clone
$ cd bowling-game
$ mvn clean package
... or you can donwload the source code zip file. Then, unzip the source code, open a new command line window, navigate to the unzipped folder bowling-game
and execute the maven command mvn clean package
Once the application has been compiled successfully, you can navigate on a command line window to the target folder bowling-game/target
and run it by passing the input file path as argument of the following command: java -jar bowling-game-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar /file-folder/sample.txt
Sample data files are available to test the application in the test resources folder: bowling-game/src/test/resources
You may use these files to test the end-to-end functionality.
Correct file format:
Jeff 10
John 3
John 7
Jeff 7
Jeff 3