Qira's Folk: a social network app created in React
Summary: a social network app that allows users to connect and chat with other users.
Features: registration, log-in, and reset forgotten password functions || edit personal profile: add a photo and biography, change password, and delete account || make friends: search for other users and connect || chat room: using socket.io
Technical details: This was the app I learned React with, so it is a rolling dirtball of code using classes, hooks, redux, and the kitchen sink. I probably wouldn't do it like this again...
Uses a postgreSQL database, and AWS for password recovery emails and image storage.
Credits: logo created at LogoMakr.com and used under (cc) licence
colour scheme inspired by Alvin Chang: https://www.vox.com/culture/2015/12/17/10322514/star-wars-colors and finalised using colormind.io