My name is Luis Jiménez
I'm from México 🇲🇽
and I'm a passionate Software Engineer transitioning to a Product/Project Manager role.
Important: I have a cat called Chitú (wich means cat in mixteco) 🐈
let luis = {
pronouns: "he/him",
interests: ["management", "front end", "CI/CD"],
frontend: [
"react (learning)",
"Material Angular",
backend: [
"apollo server",
"apollo federation",
"firebase cloud functions",
"firebase cloud messaging",
"firebase authentication",
"firebase cloud storage",
"apache kafka",
databases: ["firebase firestore",
"firebase realtime database", "postgreSQL"],
cloud: ["GCP", "Azure","Digital Ocean"],
general: ["git", "bash", "scripting"],
tools: ["Linux", "VS Code"],
- Project Management Master @ESDEN Business School
- Software Engineer @Universidad Autónoma de Baja California