App to save upcoming movies and popular tv shows
- Just restore nuget packages.
Hasseware.TheMovieDB – For access TMDb API.
Octane.Xam.VideoPlayer – To show videos.
Xamarin.Facebook – To login with facebook.
Microsoft.Net.Http – Http client for sending requests and process responses over HTTP protocol.
Mono.Data.Sqlite.Portable, SQLite.Net-PCL - To store data in SQLite databases.
Toasts.Forms.Plugin – Show toasts in user interface.
Xam.Plugin.Iconize, Xam.FormsPlugin.Iconize, Xam.Plugins.Forms.ImageCircle – To use icons in master detail page.
Xam.Plugins.Settings – To store user preferences/configurations.
Xam.Plugins.Forms.ImageCircle – To show a circle image.
- Create Xamarin.UITest.
- Create Language translations resources.