Example project for a clock frequency divider using a Papilio One board.
The input frequency used for the divider is the 32 MHz operating frequency of the Papilio One, and it is reduced to 1 Hz. The reduced frequency is sent out through one of the board's pins, which is then connected to an LED. A reset input was also added using a push button, which reset the frequency counter to 0, and turned the output off.
A short video showing the project running can be found here.
The project was then modified to add an 8-bit shift register that was output through 8 pins on the Papilio board and connected to 8 LEDs. A single LED would turn on at any given time, with the on LED being shifted to the right on every second. The reset button would again reset the count, turn off the pulse LED, and only leave the first LED of the shift register on.
A short video showing these modifications running can be found here.