Adapted from the MAS in Glow-TTS. I made it installable and added variants.
pip install git+
Installing monotonic_align
doesn't require torch, but using monotonic_align
Please install PyTorch yourself, as its installation differ from system to system.
# Suppose you have:
# 1. a probability matrix of size (batch_size=B, symbol_len=S, mel_lens=T)
# NOTE: a similarity matrix (a higher score means better) or negative cost will do
# but may have issues.
# 2. an array of symbol lengths `symbol_lens` of size (batch_size=B)
# 3. an array of mel-spectrogram lengths `mel_lens` of size (batch_size=B)
from monotonic_align import mask_from_lens, maximum_path
mask_ST = mask_from_lens(similarity, symbol_lens, mel_lens)
alignment = maximum_path(similarity, mask_ST) # (B, S, T)
# - If `mask` is not specified, the default mask is `True` for all elements.
# - You can specify `topology` if you want to use other variants of alignment algorithms.