This little demo app is to show how to:
- Implement an ASP.NET Core Web API project
- Customize it with a global error handler
- Add and customize swagger
- Build a docker container
- Run it locally
- Deploy it to Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
- (Converted to DotNet Core 2.0.3) [Binaries are in the
Hitting Debug-Start will start the app on a randomly supplied port navigate to
To see the swagger UI page.
To dockerize the app, we supply a docker file, and a build
In this example, port 5000
is configured. To change that, you will need to search all the source code for that port and replace it, here is a list of places to change:
Visual Studio:
- .\Properties\launchSettings.json
- .\Program.cs
Docker Files:
- .\docker-compose.override.yml
- .\Dockerfile
Kubernetes Files:
- .\deployment.yaml
- .\service.yaml
Build Bash Script:
set -x
CT={your registry name}/customerapi
dotnet restore ./customerAPI.sln && dotnet publish ./customerAPI.sln -c Release -o ./obj/Docker/publish
docker build -t $CT .
docker push $CT
Run Locally on Docker for Windows:
CT={your registry name}/customerapi
winpty docker run -d -p 5000:5000 $CT --name customerapi
start http://localhost:5000/swagger
This will run it locally, and then browse to the swagger UI page
kubectl create -f deployment.yaml
kubectl create -f service.yaml
Go to your Azure subscription, find your agents external ip address, and browse to it, on your port (default: 5000) and go to the swagger page:
http://{external ip address}:{port}/swagger
Clean up:
To delete your assets from your AKS:
kubectl delete service customerapi
kubectl delete deployment customerapi-deployment
Shutdown your AKS Agent VMs when not in use to save $$$
Stuart Williams Cloud/DevOps Practice Lead Magenic Technologies Inc. Office of the CTO [email protected] (e-mail) Blog: LinkedIn: YouTube: