A small "glue" package for reading and writing tabular data. It aims to provide a uniform api for reading and writing tabular data from and to multiple sources. This package is "intelligent" in this sense that it automatically selects the right reading / writing methods depending on the file extension.
- CSV via https://github.com/JuliaData/CSV.jl
- JSON via https://github.com/JuliaData/JSONTables.jl
- Zipped CSV or JSON via https://github.com/fhs/ZipFile.jl
- JDF via https://github.com/xiaodaigh/JDF.jl
- Parquet via https://github.com/JuliaIO/Parquet.jl
- Apache Arrow via https://github.com/JuliaData/Arrow.jl
- Excel (xlsx) via https://github.com/felipenoris/XLSX.jl
- SQLite via https://github.com/JuliaDatabases/SQLite.jl
- PostgreSQL via https://github.com/invenia/LibPQ.jl - note that CSV.jl is required for PostgreSQL, too.
- Read-only: Stata (dta), SPSS (dat) and SAS (sas7bdat) via https://github.com/queryverse/StatFiles.jl
- HDF5 (Pandas format) via Pandas.jl - requires Python with Pandas and PyTables installed on Python side.
The underlying packages are not direct dependencies of TableIO and are therefore not installed automatically with it. This is for reduction of installation size and package load time.
For installation of the Python requirements for Pandas HDF5 use the following Julia commands:
ENV["PYTHON"] = "" # to use a separate Conda environment for Julia
using Pkg
Pkg.add(["PyCall", "Conda", "Pandas"])
using Conda
using Pkg
using TableIO
Before using a specific format, the corresponding package needs to be installed and imported:
] add JDF
import JDF # or using JDF
If the file format specific library is not imported and / or installed, an error message is raised.
The function
reads a data source (file or database) and returns a Table.jl interface, e.g. for creating a DataFrame.
using TableIO, DataFrames
CSV Format:
using CSV
df = DataFrame(read_table("my_data.csv"); copycols=false) # Keyword arguments can be passed to the CSV reader (CSV.jl)
df = DataFrame(read_table("my_data.zip"); copycols=false) # zipped CSV format (assuming there is only 1 file in the archive)
JSON Format:
using Dates, JSONTables
df = read_table("my_data.json") |> DataFrame # note that |> DataFrame(; copycols=false) gives wrong column types!
df.my_date_col = Dates.(df.my_date_col) # Dates are imported as strings by default, need to be manually converted
df = read_table("my_data.zip", "my_data.json") |> DataFrame
Binary Formats:
using JDF
df = DataFrame(read_table("my_data.jdf"); copycols=false) # JDF (compressed binary format)
using Parquet
df = DataFrame(read_table("my_data.parquet"); copycols=false) # Parquet
using Arrow
df = DataFrame(read_table("my_data.arrow"); copycols=false) # Apache Arrow
import Pandas # using gives a naming conflict
df = DataFrame(read_table("my_data.hdf", "key"); copycols=false) # HDF5 (via Pandas)
using XLSX
df = DataFrame(read_table("my_data.xlsx"); copycols=false) # imports 1st sheet
df = DataFrame(read_table("my_data.xlsx", "MyAwesomeSheet"); copycols=false) # imports named sheet
using SQLite
df = DataFrame(read_table("my_data.db", "my_table"); copycols=false) # SQLite from file, table name must be given
Alternatively, SQLite database objects could be used:
using SQLite
sqlite_db = SQLite.DB("my_data.db")
df = DataFrame(read_table(sqlite_db, "my_table"); copycols=false) # SQLite from database connection, table name must be given
using LibPQ, CSV # CSV is required here because `write_table!` for PostgreSQL depends on CSV
postgres_conn = LibPQ.Connection("dbname=postgres user=postgres")
df = DataFrame(read_table(postgres_conn, "my_table"); copycols=false) # reading from Postgres connection
StatFiles.jl integration:
using StatFiles
df = DataFrame(read_table("my_data.dta"); copycols=false) # Stata
df = DataFrame(read_table("my_data.sav"); copycols=false) # SPSS
df = DataFrame(read_table("my_data.sas7bdat"); copycols=false) # SAS
For data formats supporting multiple tables inside a file, the function list_tables
returns an alphabetically sorted list of table names.
table_names = list_tables(filename)
The function
writes a Table.jl compatible data source into a file or databse.
using TableIO, DataFrames
CSV Format:
using CSV
write_table!("my_data.csv", df)
write_table!("my_data.zip", df) # zipped CSV. If no "inner" file name is given, the table is always stored in csv format with the same file name as the zip archive
JSON Format:
using JSONTables
write_table!("my_data.json", df) # dictionary of arrays
write_table!("my_data.json", df, orientation=:objecttable) # dictionary of arrays
write_table!("my_data.json", df, orientation=:arraytable) # array of dictionaries
write_table!("my_data.zip", "my_data.json", df) # need to explicitly give a file name inside zip archive, otherwise csv format is used
Binary Formats:
using JDF
write_table!("my_data.jdf", df) # JDF (compressed binary format)
using Parquet
write_table!("my_data.parquet", df) # Parquet - note that Date element type is not supported yet
using Arrow
write_table!("my_data.arrow", df) # Apache Arrow
import Pandas # using gives a naming conflict
write_table!("my_data.hdf", "key", df) # HDF5 (via Pandas)
write_table!("my_data.xlsx", "test_sheet_42", df) # creates sheet with defined name
using SQLite
write_table!("my_data.db", "my_table", df) # SQLite from file, table must not exist
sqlite_db = SQLite.DB("my_data.db")
write_table!(sqlite_db, "my_table", df) # SQLite from database connection
using LibPQ, CSV
postgres_conn = LibPQ.Connection("dbname=postgres user=postgres")
write_table!(postgres_conn, "my_table", df) # table must exist and be compatible with the input data
StatFiles.jl integration: write_table!
is not supported.
Additionally, it is possible to export tabular data into Julia code (.jl
write_table!("my_data.jl", "my_table", df)
To read this data, the corresponding Julia source code file can be included:
@assert DataFrame(my_table) == df
It is possible to pass the output of read_table
directly as input to write_table!
for converting tabular data between different formats:
name1 = joinpath(testpath, "test.zip") # zipped CSV
name2 = joinpath(testpath, "testx.jdf") # binary
name3 = joinpath(testpath, "testx.xlsx") # Excel
name4 = joinpath(testpath, "testx.db") # SQLite
write_table!(name2, read_table(name1))
write_table!(name3, read_table(name2))
write_table!(name4, "my_table", read_table(name3))
df_recovered = DataFrame(read_table(name4, "my_table"); copycols=false)
In a Pluto.jl notebook, TableIO can be used directly on a PlutoUI.jl FilePicker output.
Example (run in a Pluto.jl notebook):
using PlutoUI, TableIO, DataFrames
@bind f PlutoUI.FilePicker() # pick any supported file type
df = DataFrame(read_table(f); copycols=false)
This functionality works for all supported file formats if the corresponding import packages are installed. It is not required to import them, this is done automatically.
The PostgreSQL component requires a running PostgreSQL database for unit tests. This database can be started using the following command:
docker run --rm --detach --name test-libpqjl -e POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=trust -p 5432:5432 postgres
If you encounter warnings like
┌ Warning: Package TableIO does not have CSV in its dependencies:
│ - If you have TableIO checked out for development and have
│ added CSV as a dependency but haven't updated your primary
│ environment's manifest file, try `Pkg.resolve()`.
│ - Otherwise you may need to report an issue with TableIO
└ Loading CSV into TableIO from project dependency, future warnings for TableIO are suppressed.
please ignore them.
TableIO purposely has not included the libraries for the specific file formats as its own dependencies.