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Fitten Code AI Programming Assistant for Neovim, helps you to use AI for automatic completion in Neovim, with support for functions like login, logout, shortcut key completion.


✨ Features

  • πŸš€ Fast completion thanks to Fitten Code
  • πŸ› Asynchronous I/O for improved performance
  • 🐣 Support for Actions
    • 1️⃣ Document code
    • 2️⃣ Edit code
    • 3️⃣ Explain code
    • 4️⃣ Find bugs
    • 5️⃣ Generate unit test
    • 6️⃣ Implement features
    • 7️⃣ Improve code
    • 8️⃣ Refactor code
    • 9️⃣ Start chat
  • ⭐️ Accept all suggestions with Tab
  • πŸ§ͺ Accept line with Ctrl + 👫
  • πŸ”Ž Accept word with Ctrl + πŸ‘ͺ
  • ❄️ Undo accepted text
  • 🧨 Automatic scrolling when previewing or completing code
  • 🍭 Multiple HTTP/REST backends such as curl, libcurl (WIP)
  • πŸ›°οΈ Run as a coc.nvim (WIP) source or nvim-cmp source

⚑️ Requirements

  • Neovim >= 0.8.0
  • curl

πŸ“¦ Installation

Install the plugin with your preferred package manager:

For example with lazy.nvim:

  config = function()

For example with packer.nvim:

use {
  config = function()

βš™οΈ Configuration


fittencode.nvim comes with the following defaults:

  action = {
    document_code = {
      -- Show "Fitten Code - Document Code" in the editor context menu, when you right-click on the code.
      show_in_editor_context_menu = true,
    edit_code = {
      -- Show "Fitten Code - Edit Code" in the editor context menu, when you right-click on the code.
      show_in_editor_context_menu = true,
    explain_code = {
      -- Show "Fitten Code - Explain Code" in the editor context menu, when you right-click on the code.
      show_in_editor_context_menu = true,
    find_bugs = {
      -- Show "Fitten Code - Find Bugs" in the editor context menu, when you right-click on the code.
      show_in_editor_context_menu = true,
    generate_unit_test = {
      -- Show "Fitten Code - Generate UnitTest" in the editor context menu, when you right-click on the code.
      show_in_editor_context_menu = true,
    start_chat = {
      -- Show "Fitten Code - Start Chat" in the editor context menu, when you right-click on the code.
      show_in_editor_context_menu = true,
  disable_specific_inline_completion = {
    -- Disable auto-completion for some specific file suffixes by entering them below
    -- For example, `suffixes = {'lua', 'cpp'}`
    suffixes = {},
  inline_completion = {
    -- Enable inline code completion.
    ---@type boolean
    enable = true,
    -- Disable auto completion when the cursor is within the line.
    ---@type boolean
    disable_completion_within_the_line = false,
    -- Disable auto completion when pressing Backspace or Delete.
    ---@type boolean
    disable_completion_when_delete = false,
  delay_completion = {
    -- Delay time for inline completion (in milliseconds).
    ---@type integer
    delaytime = 0,
  -- Enable/Disable the default keymaps in inline completion.
  use_default_keymaps = true,
  -- Setting for source completion.
  source_completion = {
    -- Enable source completion.
    enable = true,
  -- Set the mode of the completion.
  -- Available options:
  -- - 'inline' (default)
  -- - 'source'
  completion_mode = 'inline',
  ---@class LogOptions
  log = {
    -- Log level.
    level = vim.log.levels.WARN,
    -- Max log file size in MB, default is 10MB
    max_size = 10,

inline mode

Set updatetime to a lower value to improve performance:

-- Neovim default updatetime is 4000
vim.opt.updatetime = 200

source mode

  completion_mode ='source',
  sources = { name = 'fittencode', group_index = 1 },
  mapping = {
    ['<cr>'] = cmp.mapping.confirm({ behavior = cmp.ConfirmBehavior.Insert, select = false }),

πŸš€ Usage

Account Commands

Command Description
Fitten register If you haven't registered yet, please run the command to register.
Fitten login Try the command Fitten login <user> <password> to login.
Fitten logout Logout account

Action Commands

  • Try the command Fitten generate_unit_test <test_framework> <language> to generate unit test with specific test framework and language.
Command Description
Fitten document_code Document code
Fitten edit_code Edit code
Fitten explain_code Explain code
Fitten find_bugs Find bugs
Fitten generate_unit_test Generate unit test
Fitten implement_features Implement features
Fitten improve_code Improve code
Fitten refactor_code Refactor code
Fitten guess_programming_language Guess programming language
Fitten analyze_data Analyze data
Fitten start_chat Start chat

Default Mappings

Mappings Action
Tab Accept all suggestions
Ctrl + 👫 Accept line
Ctrl + πŸ‘ͺ Accept word
Alt + \ Manually triggering completion

✏️ APIs

fittencode.nvim provides a set of APIs to help you integrate it with other plugins or scripts.

  • Access the APIs by calling require('fittencode').<api_name>().

Parameters Types

-- Log levels
vim.log = {
  levels = {
    TRACE = 0,
    DEBUG = 1,
    INFO = 2,
    WARN = 3,
    ERROR = 4,
    OFF = 5,

---@class ActionOptions
---@field prompt? string
---@field content? string
---@field language? string

---@class GenerateUnitTestOptions : ActionOptions
---@field test_framework string

---@class ImplementFeaturesOptions : ActionOptions
---@field feature_type string

List of APIs

API Prototype Description
login(username, password) Login to Fitten Code AI
logout() Logout from Fitten Code AI
register() Register to Fitten Code AI
set_log_level(level) Set the log level
get_current_status() Get the current status of the InlineEngine and ActionEngine
triggering_completion() Manually triggering completion
has_suggestion() Check if there is a suggestion
accept_all_suggestions() Accept all suggestions
accept_line() Accept line
accept_word() Accept word
document_code(ActionOptions) Document code
edit_code(ActionOptions) Edit code
explain_code(ActionOptions) Explain code
find_bugs(ActionOptions) Find bugs
generate_unit_test(GenerateUnitTestOptions) Generate unit test
implement_features(ImplementFeaturesOptions) Implement features
improve_code(ActionOptions) Improve code
refactor_code(ActionOptions) Refactor code
guess_programming_language(ActionOptions) Guess programming language
analyze_data(ActionOptions) Analyze data
start_chat(ActionOptions) Start chat
stop_eval() Stop the evaluation

πŸŽ‰ Special Thanks


Fitten Code AI Programming Assistant for Neovim







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