Eduardo is an implementation of the Elo rating system. The expected scores of players are calculated using the logistic curve, and the k-factor can be parameterized.
pip install eduardo
python eduardo/tests/
# default elo is 1000 and default k-factor is 32
chess_world = Elo()
# pass a unique, immutable value to register the player
names = ['magnus', 'garry', 'bobby', 'lawrence']
chess_players = [chess_world.create_player(name) for name in names]
# register results of games using player objects
magnus, garry, bobby, lawrence = chess_players
assert lawrence.rating == 984.0
assert garry.rating == 1016.0
# find players by id
assert chess_world.find_player('lawrence') == lawrence
# get all players as a dict
assert chess_world.players == {'bobby': bobby, 'garry': garry, 'lawrence': lawrence, 'magnus': magnus}
# modify defaults: higher k-factor means higher sensitivity
photo_world = Elo(starting_elo=1400, k_factor=16)
# use log_game to record batches of games
with open('data/players.txt', 'r') as players, open('data/games.txt', 'r') as games:
urls = [line.rstrip() for line in players.readlines()]
photo_players = [photo_world.create_player(url) for url in urls]
games = [line.rstrip() for line in games.readlines()]
for winner, loser in [game.split('>') for game in games]:
photo_world.log_game(winner, loser)